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Would it be normal if I expanded WG to W:A? Or would that be a little cheap?

03.07.04 12:05
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yeh. Think it's pretty normal. WcD is on both

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.07.04 12:17
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But if I ever make it in Contra, I don't want to have WG on my name.

03.07.04 12:25
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[G]the candy man
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well why dont you just not join Contra
03.07.04 12:27
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I want to join Contra, I like how they run things.

03.07.04 12:28
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Well some people keep their clan tags the same for WA and WWP and some don't. It just depends on your preference.

And we run things well? Wow. I didn't know my laziness ran things well.
04.07.04 04:53
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Clans in both W:A and WWP gives more members. The only requirement should be that the leader has both games. That way it's easier to keep things up.
04.07.04 18:35
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If you look at my WA Clan, you'll see that I have both WrU and Contra listed. And I do run both clan tags. And people don't have problems with it (at least most people, but a few still b|tch about it).
05.07.04 02:53
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Quoted :: Duke

Or would that be a little cheap?

duke, i dont see why it would be cheap?
05.07.04 16:43
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Me neither, but my wwp members say it. One of my members said it would be stupid to have the same name. Good members they are, but blonde.

05.07.04 23:50
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