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i have been banned from #anytinggoes channel in wwp for double-flood :oops:
how long time i cant join to this channel????
02.07.04 10:32
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I forgot how long, but nobody is banned forever... I was banned for like half an hour or so on wwp #anything goes.

02.07.04 11:18
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If you have dynamic IP, next time you connect to the net, u'll have a different IP, which is not banned. This may escape the waiting time.

Anyway, the best thing is not to flood... ;)


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02.07.04 11:25
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They need mods on WN. That would prevent less people from spamming, etc.
02.07.04 19:16
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thats what happened C1, wwp still has chanserv, so he got banned for flooding

you get kicked once then banned for a set period if you do it again.
02.07.04 21:36
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Oh, WA doesn't have that. No spam really that often unless those stupid people wanting to play league spam. They repeat "div2 any1" about a 1000 times. It really gets on my nerves. Like we get the picture you want to play div2, you don't have to say it a 1000 times.
03.07.04 02:31
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i know what you mean. BTW whats up with the fake Chanserv?
03.07.04 10:21
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Not sure, I was there when he was there. He was annoying everyone. If people were on WN at the time he was making fun of me.

03.07.04 10:56
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

i know what you mean. BTW whats up with the fake Chanserv?
Noobs think it's funny to impersonate someone else.

07.07.04 09:22
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have you ever tried logging in as Chanserv? I don't think it's possible...

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07.07.04 09:33
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well someone is on WA
07.07.04 13:30
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Quoted :: Liet

i have been banned from #anytinggoes channel in wwp for double-flood :oops:
how long time i cant join to this channel????

Well, since no one really answered the question, I will. You'll be banned anywhere from 24-72 hours. So odds are, you're already able to go back online by now.
07.07.04 17:45
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