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Poll: Should Star Worms move his League to BTP?
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Star Worms: It seems that ur worms league on ur site is very inactive. You should move it to BTP so that users wont have to click to ur link to get all the way too the league

Zogger: Host Star Worms's Worms League on BTP, i think we can get a active League in that we can have many seasons and what not........
09.06.04 12:58
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why should starworms move his league away from his site?
it is his after all.

perhaps he should advertise it more.

09.06.04 15:35
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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mmaybe we should have a direct link to his league page, because there aren't many people going there
09.06.04 15:39
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Well, considering it is the WrU Clan League, it doesn't matter where he moves it, because as the name implies, it's for WrU clan members :roll:.
09.06.04 16:29
Post #4
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then BTP should have its own league
09.06.04 16:40
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09.06.04 17:26
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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lol, well SimpleLeague is a script, not an actual league, and fitoleague is fictisious.

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09.06.04 18:59
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Personally I don't see the point. I wanted a WrU section on my website so I didn't have to create and manage 2 websites.

Also it is actually hosted at BTP already since BTP hosts my website;)

09.06.04 21:29
Post #8
Last edited: 09.06.04 21:30 (Star Worms - 1 times) [RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Zogger, please make a BTP Worms League ok?
09.06.04 23:57
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Yeah, anyone can start up the league. Just download the script and there you go. And also, I think starworms's league is for his clan. Not for just anyone. Tho I could be wrong.
10.06.04 03:02
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Quoted :: C1

Yeah, anyone can start up the league. Just download the script and there you go. And also, I think starworms's league is for his clan. Not for just anyone. Tho I could be wrong.

I say, look up :P.

Quoted :: Glenn

Well, considering it is the WrU Clan League, it doesn't matter where he moves it, because as the name implies, it's for WrU clan members :roll:.

And since I admin the league along with Star Worms, I know it's for clan members only.
10.06.04 15:11
Post #11
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What I mean is, that there should be an official BTP Worms league, as in, on BTP!
11.06.04 02:05
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hmmmmm i maybe a direct link (xSKATEx) or a banner could be good :?


01.07.04 10:03
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