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ProPACK doesn't have NFB. Let's go back through the rules again.

Pro - Must attack from the rope.
P - Piles are legal.
A - All but Last (or if the host chooses, Attack the Leader).
C - Crate before Attack.
K - Kill the Cowards.

I didn't see any 'No fire-bombs, did you?'
12.06.04 02:01
Post #16
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Heh. I was right.. thought so... thats only a proper rule
12.06.04 02:36
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I was playing a multi player game with my friend. I was taking shots from far away wiht my shotgun. I had 1 shot left. My friend looks over at me and says "There's no way you can make this shot". I knew he was right, but i was determined. I shot. Sure enough I missed, but instead shot slighly above his head, hitting a mine. the mine fell, exploded and finished off his last bit of health. We both agreed that that was much cooler then just hitting him :)
14.07.04 20:06
Post #18
Last edited: 14.07.04 20:07 (AguilaMort - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hah, nice 1, u did revive this thread that was 30 days ol d, but we'll let u slide becasue ur a n00b.
14.07.04 22:50
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Quoted :: xSKATEx

hah, nice 1, u did revive this thread that was 30 days ol d, but we'll let u slide becasue ur a n00b.

The reason admins/mods don't lock the thread is for people who want to add to the thread even after it becomes dead. Because, why make a thread when there's already one made? The only reason people get mad at n00bs for reviving threads, is because they spam pointless stuff and revive the thread. What this new btp dude did, is quite alright.
14.07.04 23:00
Post #20
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heehee,. u deserve to do a dance of in your face haha i woness for that one.
15.07.04 00:20
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Quoted :: xSKATEx

hah, nice 1, u did revive this thread that was 30 days ol d, but we'll let u slide becasue ur a n00b.

newb, not n00b.

15.07.04 20:14
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Sorry, When i posted the post was on the front page, so i assumed it was recent. I'll be more careful in the future.
16.07.04 01:47
Post #23
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Hey Megalomaniac
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It's fine, you posted a relevant, good statement. It's annoying when someone posts on, like, a patch or something that came out months ago. And if someone posts something irrelevant or arguing when the point has already been driven home.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
16.07.04 02:24
Post #24
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Well, here's what happens when someone gets bored out of his mind (watch what happens around mine placement #25):
16.07.04 02:32
Post #25
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[G]dj canada
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no one seems to care when you firebomb in shoppers, poeple usally just say "cool" or "nice one"


sh*t 2 pages didn't see ARGGG

and whats wrong with reviving an old thread? THAT is what a forum is, unless the thead is locked then its fair game to put your nay-say in, even if you are a little late.
16.07.04 17:34
Post #26
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Not if it's pointless. That's why your rating went down in the beginning. Because you posted pointless crap in an old thread. Unless it is completely on topic, and your not talking about old news, it's fine.
16.07.04 18:01
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[G]dj canada
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I admit when I joined BTP, I added alot of new pointless threads and threads that already exisited (so i was told). And technicaly this thread wasn't really "revived" more like a new post was added.... no one ever posts in the W:A forum, this thread was still on page one. you can't miss it.

but what is going on now, I watch my rating go down 2 points yesterday, didn't know why didn't care, I went out, got drunk with my buddies, got droped off at home and saw my rating was down some more, so being drunk as i was I started to spaz out... and as the chain reaction goes one, the rating keeps droping, its still droping now :)

Im not complaining anymore but its still droping, and it will never go up again, becuase im determind to prove for the majory of you (AND IM NOT AT ALL POINTING FINGERS) a egotistical, arrogent, hardasses. and I use thoes words by definition.

when soniccrazy kept droping my rating becuase I said "Go Flame Go" and was fooling around with the BTP money, thats arrogent and a little egotisic.

why do you think poeple complain about the rattings, because poeple drop rattings, poeple will complain, names will be said, ratting will drop more, more anger and so on...

user ratings should only be given by the staff members and a few selected Blue torso members, and if a green torso wants to drop or raise someones rating, he should request it, not have the power to do it himself...

poeple are assholes by default, and if they can be a jerk to someone THEY WILL

its only natural
16.07.04 18:34
Post #28
Last edited: 17.07.04 09:37 (DJ Canada - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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user ratings, ratings by the users. People who are disliked by the massess becuase of their actions will lose the ability to post as often. Think of it as giving the poer to the people. A single person cnnot lower your rating that much, so if it keeps going down u must be doing something wrong.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.07.04 20:41
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1. I don't see how, what Sonic did, was arrogant.
2. You've been asking for your rating to be dropped, how your acting
3. You asked Zogger to drop your rating to 1
4. Your attitude, and stupidity, will get your rating even lower.
5. I still think you care about your rating because you've been rambling on about it all over the place.
17.07.04 07:03
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