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[G]dj canada
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i laughed, i cried, i died a little inside
post your most hilarious moment in W:A!
05.06.04 16:57
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Can this be WWP to??

Anyways, one time, me and duke were playing a fort shoppa, and he killed my last worm with a holy bomb, and it hit my worm and knocked the worm to his fort and knocked him into the water. We were laughing for at least 10 minutes
05.06.04 19:13
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once, me and [user="Bird"] were playing a shopper, he fell and landed on a mine, the mine knocked him to another mine and then to another! the second mine had blown up a crate with a sheep in it and the sheep had went to the other wall and back, the sheep hit Bird and it knocked him into a exit and i had won... it was sooo wierd that all off those things happened
05.06.04 21:34
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But the first thing sheep do when they come out of a destroyed crate, the first thing they hit they will blow up. How did it "go back"
06.06.04 03:47
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[G]dj canada
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lol all funny things tho.... ive seen so much i couldnt post one, but the way the topic is going

i was roping like crap this one whole game, then this one turn i get myself a holy bomb, threw it at a worm beside a crate with one second to spare, the crate blew up kille the worm, but as i was making a fantasic excape KABOOM i got hit by a sheep comming outta the crate.... like i didnt even see or hear the sheep.... i fucken ask poeple.... "what the HELL just HIT ME!" it was so weird too cuase i was a good distance away but this sheep must of poped stright up or something... too crazy :)

best thing to watch newbies do is "drop a wepon and miss.... excape and land on a mine right beside a barrle, barrel blows and they fly into a water trap...." ive seen that happen so many times :D :D :)
06.06.04 04:46
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Let's see here, well, a pretty funny thing happened last night. I was practicing with a shopper on the Shopping 2002 map (offline). I was standing above that pit that's to the right of center on the map, and knocked a mine down onto a worm with my shotty (mines = 1 sec). The mine blew up, and the worm went up into the air, and knocked my worm down with it. We hit both platforms on the way down, and my worm just happened to stop just before falling into the water (of course, the other worm drowned). I'm not bothering to post a replay just for this, so :P.
06.06.04 16:56
Post #6
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[G]dj canada
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i was using a flame thrower on 6 worms was trying get them into a water trap (one of my worms was in the pile too but i had to do it), but the angle was wrong, and i did not succeed... but at the last 2nd one of the worms flew back towards a wall and got knocked forward taking all the other worms into the water trap, leaving my worms right on the edge, alive and well....

you would of had to of seen it :) it was wierd
07.06.04 23:53
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was playing C1 on the shopping 2002 map the other day.

Wasn;t playing well so i started messing about a bit. dropped a weapon on him, cant remeber what, then just launched myself into a fly across the map to the left, sailed stright out of the gap in the side wall lol

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.06.04 00:12
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[G]dj canada
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hehe ive seen that happen a couple times too its quite funny to see, expeicaly when they press space RIGHT after they fly outta the map, as if they didnt expect it
08.06.04 01:25
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i like seing the chain reactions of explosions, i see them a lot, they are hilarious
08.06.04 02:01
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[G]dj canada
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chain reactions are comedy the long ones are funny as hell,
knock a worm, he dies from fall damage blowing up and sending another worm into a mine, mine blows up sends that worm into a pile, knocks the pile beside a barrle, barrle blows sending ANOTHER MINE go flying landing beside another pile of worms, all the worms with zero life start blowing up, blowing up the dud mines (if any) killing anyworm left standing :D
11.06.04 16:31
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Quoted :: DJ canada

i get myself a holy bomb, threw it at a worm beside a crate

that is a cow, its called firebombs

go check out all the replays with me in it, ther all funyn:)

11.06.04 20:34
Post #12
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Only in propers its a cow, harry, not shoppas, unless the host "calls" it.. (NFB)
11.06.04 20:52
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i play propack rules, which has NFB.

11.06.04 22:05
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pro pack has NFB???

Oops. :oops:
11.06.04 22:37
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