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Poll: Should Greatest BTP User Ever be a monthly contest in the possibly soon to be BlameTheContest Forum?
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i reckon zogger bloop in the final. Cant see me beating bloopy despite the sudden influx of minor fixes and the promise of something big coming soon. :D

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.05.04 00:07
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i wanted to pick CBWhiz but i'm a little too late there.

29.05.04 02:22
Post #62
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[]Star Worms
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I'm baffled as to why C1 went through not me. When you posted that you would wait until there was a winner it was 11-11. Hence I was actually winning because C1 voted for himself. *sigh* do what you like but I thought a fair poll would be best. Next time I'll remember always to vote for myself and not be considerate.

29.05.04 08:05
Post #63
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was he useing other accounts 2 vote 4 him self?
thats what i hear in the shout box...

29.05.04 08:50
Post #64
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no, not in the first two anyway. But I just checked and in the poll against me he has abstained with C1 and voted for himself with C3.

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.05.04 08:53
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Yeah I do. And it came in handy to ask what was going on with my rating. Then I went into the thread and felt inclined to vote since I was going to leave btp after that.
29.05.04 13:13
Post #66
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I go away for a bit, and look what happens... ;).

btw, Thanks for the nomination r_e. Owned by Star Worms. Ouch. ;)
29.05.04 13:38
Post #67
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I knew it would end up admid vs admid.

I guessed when the first thread was made it would be bloopy vs someone or zogger vs someone or bloopy vs zogger, since they are the 'kings'

29.05.04 23:21
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Quoted :: HarrY

was he useing other accounts 2 vote 4 him self?
thats what i hear in the shout box...

I've had it for the longest time. Tho i usually just use it for when I'm not sure why C1 isnt working. So i see if it happens with both my names. Tho sum of the time I use it for things like this.
30.05.04 16:29
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Congratulations to Bloopy being the winner of the Greatest BTP User Ever Contest.

*opens a poll*

31.05.04 02:20
Post #70
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Congrats Bloopy.

31.05.04 02:54
Post #71
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Sorry, but I voted no, IMO, it would be way to spammy, mostly because it takes like 15 threads to do ;)
31.05.04 03:15
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Hmm... maybe I should rephrase that question.

31.05.04 03:51
Post #73
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Quoted :: MrrLL

Sorry, but I voted no, IMO, it would be way to spammy, mostly because it takes like 15 threads to do ;)

Ummmm its kinda over for now And the people liked it. we should try it again sometime.

EDIT: I just realized i did this on a different forum a while ago.

31.05.04 04:30
Post #74
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Having the same contest again would be pointless as you'd get the same results.

31.05.04 09:58
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