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Not a bad idea DingBats.
25.05.04 20:10
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Nice idea. It might be worthwhile putting more than 'sure?' on there though. It's quite easy to skip past the notice above the quick reply. It might be a good idea having that repeated just in case;)

25.05.04 21:13
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But there was only an "OK" in that notice... It should be Yes or No, but that was probably what it meant..
26.05.04 01:26
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Yes and give an explination why they should click, "No, I do not want to post this msg"
26.05.04 02:45
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Is it possible to change the button text on those boxes?

Test: Confirm box.

Edit: Nope, it isn't possible.
26.05.04 14:57
Post #20
Last edited: 26.05.04 14:58 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's not a locked thread. It's a dead thread :P And it might not be a spamming msg. Just pretty much put the same msg that is below the thread. The warning about ur reputation, etc one. .
26.05.04 17:05
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Sorry, I just wrote the wrong word in there, of course I meant dead.:| And the spam thing was a joke.
27.05.04 12:44
Post #22
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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If we had a box, it could just have close to the thing @ the bottom, but more like this:

Warning!: This thread is over 20 days old, and you may get flamed at for posting here!
27.05.04 21:15
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But if you have a confirm box on submission too, you may notice that even better.
28.05.04 14:44
Post #24
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Dingbats

But if you have a confirm box on submission too, you may notice that even better.
May? I can assure you people won't be able to miss a box infront of them whereby the only way to post it is to read what it says and click 'OK' (or they might just click at random:P). When I was new here, the threads weren't so active. If I went down a forum to about the 10th thread, the last post was over 20 days before when I looked at it and some of the time I didn't even notice it (I just scroll right to the bottom of the page and I can only see the very top of the Jump To drop down box). I nearly posted in old threads but realised at the last moment. I think this would be a good idea.

28.05.04 17:35
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