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You can only have plain text sigs.
23.05.04 04:49
Post #61
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so no color tags or anything? damn that sucks.. I tried to sign up there but the damn email confirmation never came..
23.05.04 05:31
Post #62
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i hate forums that have more than 1000 members that make few posts daily
that means 1000-2000 posts per day, and it is booooooring
23.05.04 17:02
Post #63
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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1000-2000 posts is still quite alot, but i bet that BTP makes a whole lot more than that:)

23.05.04 17:14
Post #64
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

per day?
23.05.04 17:20
Post #65
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1000 posts per day, that's impossible.

23.05.04 17:23
Post #66
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

it is on some forums, like T17 or GameMaker
23.05.04 17:30
Post #67
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to do that you would have to stay up all night.

23.05.04 17:31
Post #68
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

no by one user, by 1000 users...........:)
23.05.04 17:39
Post #69
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I think he means the total amount of posts posted in one day by all members. Not just one.

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23.05.04 17:45
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But you'd have to have an extremely large forum with lots of active memebers. I think T17 forums have only gotten up to about 500 posts in a day.
23.05.04 21:20
Post #71
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What would u say about BTP? How many posts do we get per day?

24.05.04 02:06
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I post about 5 - 15 a day, depends on how much time I have. Though most people here at BTP never use the forum.
24.05.04 12:56
Post #73
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true. Yesterday I counted the number of people who have at least one post on the forum. 375 do. And about 90 of those have only posted once.

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24.05.04 12:58
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Yeah that happens on most forums. Loads register, post once, then forget about the site. Members who have no posts and don't post for a month or something get deleted from the T17 forum I think.

24.05.04 13:29
Post #75
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