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Introduction to CalvinBall:
CalvinBall in game of great skill. The Idea of the game is to get the CalvinBall to the goal, But everyone will be on your tail, so be prepared to fight for your life.

Ze rules:
Forget your charaters from the "Make ya charaters here" thread.
Make it as fun and funny as possible.
GL and HF.
PS: Don't just pick up the ball and score in your first post, that's just boring.

Ze Prize:
£50 of BTP, and gets to choose the setting for CalvinBall II(If this one goes well)

Ze Game:
The players are standing on the starting line. The robots comes out of the ground and points a gun into the air.
Robot:" 3.........2.........1.........Go" *The robot then pulls the trigger and slide back into the ground.*

Psymon(<---Tis me) Then makes the dash towords the CalvinBall and grabs it.
"Bring it"

10.05.04 16:14
Post #1
Last edited: 10.05.04 16:37 (psymon - 2 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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is thats thread "make you characters here", or is it really "make your blokes here" because unless im blind i cant see it?

EDIT by Psymon: Whupsie, It was the charaters thread, don't worry.
10.05.04 16:21
Post #2
Last edited: 10.05.04 16:23 (psymon - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Also on "ze rules" you put FORGET to make you characters, shouldnt it be DONT FORGET. Ive made one but he isnt very funny or cool. Ill edit him later i have to go out now.
10.05.04 16:35
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No, you don't really need to make your charaters for this RP, It's just your charater (So, for you it would be The candy man, usless you want to use a differant name for this thread) in the game. Your charaters abiltys will be made during the course of the game. It's just ment to be a quick, join in whenever RP for everyone. Not a deep story liner (EG the Civil War)

10.05.04 16:40
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[G]the candy man
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Psyman passes the ball to /me who then scores :D

no that was a joke just to be anoying

ok in this game, is it just a vicious beatdown like in roller ball? Can we shoot fight people and stuff?
And also is the ball held or kicked?
10.05.04 18:03
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is this ball game a real game? iv never played it...

10.05.04 18:03
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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a real game? like a ps2 game or sumthing. I dunno, i thought Psymon just made it up
10.05.04 18:06
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No, this is a game (Well, RP, That I just made up.) Yes, you can use guns and kill people, and people can respawn if they are killed. And no Teams.( well, not in CalvinBall I)

10.05.04 18:12
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mini gun madness!:lol:
we'll all die!1!

10.05.04 18:38
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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HarrY, How SPAMish can you get? This is surpose to funny, not just people just pulling out miniguns and killing people in one 6 worded post.

If we ever manage to get people to understand the idea of CalvinBall, then CalvinBall II will being after the 60th Post.

Psymon: "Come on, how slow are you guys?"

10.05.04 18:49
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You havn't given us anough info!
10.05.04 18:52
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Quoted :: The me above
The Idea of the game is to get the CalvinBall to the goal

Ball in goal, stop other people, All the stuff inbetween is up to you.

Come on, it's the most simple RP ever. It don't need/have a deeply involing storyline.

10.05.04 18:58
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To give you an even GREATER explanation, I think someone has been reading a bit too much Calvin & Hobbes, the comic strip where this began. Ah well...

[]Glenn$1appears, draws his sword, and charges at Psymon. He panicks and loses the ball, which []Glenn$1quickly picks up. He turns around, and starts running toward the other goal.
10.05.04 19:10
Post #13
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OOC:Nope, never read that strip, But I'll have a lookie, Posty a link for me, please. I actully got this from a differant forum, but Meh.

/me: "ahhh, so you want to play it like that then?, Fine" *Psymon pulls out his Staff (Ya know, like kilik's from soul caliber2) and takes his battle stance. "Bring it"

10.05.04 19:20
Post #14
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[G]the candy man
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How many goals are there? and are they like football nets.
And do you kick the ball or hold it?
10.05.04 20:12
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