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Poll: Do you think my tax should be lifted?
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Yes. 11 users
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Er... Sorry if I'm being a bitch... But I think I deserve to have my tax lifted... Since I posted that "GET MONEY HERE!1111" When I was a super n00b who couldn't spell to save my life... And since I came back, I've been acting a bit better, mainly because I went to a really mature forum that had tons of rules and they would make fun of you if you mispelled something... So I came back... So um... It's the mod/admins choice... Please don't flame me to friggin death...
09.05.04 21:31
Post #1
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Well, I do think your tax needs to be at least lessened (although it doesn't really matter), but you aren't helping your case any by posting a thread about it. Best course of action would have been to PM an admin...
09.05.04 22:58
Post #2
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GUILTY! lynch him!, just kiddin, i think hes been good.
10.05.04 10:26
Post #3
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Money is useless therefore tax is.
10.05.04 14:19
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Money kind of symbolizes how long you been at BTP kind of. Unless you sold a PixVille1 house like I did.

10.05.04 15:23
Post #5
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Quoted :: Duke

Money kind of symbolizes how long you been at BTP kind of. Unless you sold a PixVille1 house like I did.

Hm, actually, even if u had houses it would usually symbolize how long u've been here. But again, thanks to bloopy, who gives away free houses to people, u ruined the system.
10.05.04 20:23
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who voted no????!??????

10.05.04 21:49
Post #7
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Quoted :: HarrY

who voted no????!??????

Not me..:roll:...

10.05.04 23:07
Post #8
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I didn't vote at all, at least, I don't think I did...
And rejoice Dumazz, for the admins have taken pity on you and have revoked the tax :).
11.05.04 01:11
Post #9
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I Abstaind for this one...
11.05.04 07:14
Post #10
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I remember when SPAZ had 100%tax :lol:
11.05.04 22:57
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Uh... actually he had 999% tax (I think). By the time the admins finally reduced it, he had racked up about -£60000.
12.05.04 01:03
Post #12
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LOL! wow, you can get negative?
12.05.04 01:20
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Apparently so, thats saome SERIOUS debt.

12.05.04 03:24
Post #14
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Looks like he's been forgiven, or he OWNED at poker :lol:...
12.05.04 19:28
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