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Poll: Do you think my tax should be lifted?
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I would like my tax removed as well please, I got this tax because of a misunderstanding about stuff.
26.10.04 18:29
Post #76
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: ReadMe
oh, and i'm taxing you 25% for lying about being dodgy88.

Also, foamy was taxed 100% because you abused the system in order to gain money. If you hadnt done that you would not have gotten taxed.

And if you think your getting off your tax that quickly, your high.
26.10.04 18:41
Post #77
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

And if you think your getting off your tax that quickly, your high.

High with, what? I wonder......


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

26.10.04 21:03
Post #78
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

Quoted :: Pioneer322

And if you think your getting off your tax that quickly, your high.

High with, what? I wonder......

chloring, and if lieing about something gave me tax, I would have 10000 tax right now.
27.10.04 22:55
Post #79
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At least i have chicken!
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Ok someone give him 10000 tax just for the fun of it :twisted:


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

27.10.04 23:22
Post #80
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Spaz had 999 tax before XD
27.10.04 23:27
Post #81
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At least i have chicken!
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whats the point that means when ever you make a post you get 9x less money than you were suopsed to get!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

28.10.04 11:28
Post #82
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We have a maths genius on our hands!
28.10.04 14:08
Post #83
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While on the subject of tax removing, I think I had worked mine into a minus off long ago.
28.10.04 15:50
Post #84
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um what exactly does tax do?

Death to all noobs!
28.10.04 22:14
Post #85
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removes some money when you receive it from anywhere (or adds it on if you have negetive tax)
28.10.04 22:53
Post #86
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so i give you 100 moneys, and you could only get back 50 moneys, depending on how much tax you had :D
29.10.04 09:46
Post #87
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Orangie Orgy
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...If you have 50% tax that is. Its all percentageness!
29.10.04 14:54
Post #88
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I couldnt find the percentage sign on my kb, but now i can! %%%%%%%, that key owns...

29.10.04 15:45
Post #89
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It's shift-5 on my keyboard. :)

29.10.04 18:13
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