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Poll: Why has my rating dropped sudenly?
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I think your rating is going down loads becouse of another reason (please state) 2 users
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not nessarly, u might have 150 discount tax, or 101 discount, and what about winning the lotto? and doneations, or do u get tax in that?

10.05.04 18:24
Post #46
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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iirc there is no 100% income tax. So there is no limit to yer money.

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.05.04 18:24
Post #47
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Actually, the maximum income tax should really be 50%, since that's the highest income bracket, and only rich millionares get that much in a year. But what do I know...
10.05.04 19:13
Post #48
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yes, implement the 50% tax ness!

10.05.04 21:37
Post #49
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Says the person with 70% tax :P
10.05.04 23:05
Post #50
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[G]the candy man
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and the person with 60% tax.
Would it be possible to get 99% tax? if you had that much money?

Anyway can someone tell me why i have such a low rating?
11.05.04 15:20
Post #51
Last edited: 11.05.04 18:37 (The candy Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: The candy Man

and the person with 60% tax.

I have 55%*
11.05.04 19:43
Post #52
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it coulda changed over time =D
11.05.04 22:35
Post #53
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No, he just took the income tax, and didnt subtract the income tax.

12.05.04 03:38
Post #54
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[G]the candy man
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Yes i just took the income tax because that whats based on the money?
12.05.04 07:55
Post #55
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Ttl. Tax: 55%
That's total.
12.05.04 19:42
Post #56
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[G]the candy man
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yeah ok sorry. Still, 55% tax is very high.

haha serves you right for being rich
12.05.04 21:11
Post #57
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if you have like 20000$ then you would have like 90% tax, rofl
12.05.04 21:56
Post #58
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Hm, i can't remember how much tax i had at 29000...or even if they had tax back then =/
13.05.04 02:30
Post #59
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how long ago was it?
13.05.04 21:08
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