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well in the pop down profiles some people (like me) have 1% income tax. but when you look in their profile or in the forum when you look at their tax, its not the same..(mine is 0%) is this a bug or something?
02.05.04 19:12
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Income tax is when you have a lot of money (eg. Me, C1 and HarrY). Mine says 1% in the pop up but it shows up as 20% on posts :?

Well it showed up as 1% when I hovered over my name in lotto.php shows up as 20% now:P

02.05.04 20:02
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hmm....... double hmmmmmmm lets keep it like that::P edit: note the diff drop down areas.. and another:

02.05.04 22:02
Post #3
Last edited: 02.05.04 22:07 (HarrY - 2 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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heh.. wierd.. [noob]btw how did you get white backround?[/noob]
02.05.04 22:36
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You got to "Change Design" in the menu to the left, and then he changed it to something where that area is whate.

02.05.04 23:25
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HarrY uses the Ultra Compact design. :) ..
03.05.04 01:05
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heh, i just changed mine from the terrain one to standard..
03.05.04 01:10
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Maybe it's another part of that coding to keep the amount of queries to a minimum...
03.05.04 01:25
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Actually i had the same problem. But when i refreshed the page, the tax went back to normal.
03.05.04 02:31
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Huh, the same thing thats happening to harrY's stats are happening to me too.

03.05.04 03:17
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I dont have any tax ;)

and i use C1,s Fruity Design :P
03.05.04 09:23
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ultra compact design own! nice and clean:)
try god design, and see if u can live:P

03.05.04 10:05
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oi. I don't think GoD design is that bad ;). Try green design, and see if you're not blinded.

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03.05.04 10:37
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

GoD design is cool
i used it till few days ago

now i have one of C1's, i think ice blue or something......
03.05.04 15:11
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Quoted :: VisioN

I dont have any tax ;)

and i use C1,s Fruity Design :P

Ooo i'm glad u like my design. :)

Also, nice pixel house u made there.
03.05.04 19:37
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