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i have I.E.. It runs fine so im not dl'n any of that space wasten crap =D (i have like 200 gigs but i dont wanna waste it)
27.04.04 20:54
Post #46
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

lvl 14 ppl only:
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Heh, that's the one I meant. I'm gonna keep looking for the easy way now...
edit: did it.

Quoted :: MrrLL

i have I.E.. ... im not dl'n any of that space wasten crap
27.04.04 21:30
Post #47
Last edited: 27.04.04 21:40 (tundraH - 2 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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...don't use netscape then?:P:roll:

27.04.04 21:36
Post #48
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I didn't pass level 8. I've did this hack test before, but then I didn't pass level 2... I used ReadMe's file download script a lot.
28.04.04 17:27
Post #49
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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it's harder at points in IE, because it can be useful to disable javascript, so that you can view the source.

edit: wait, you can do that in IE, can't you?

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28.04.04 17:37
Post #50
Last edited: 28.04.04 17:37 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Doesn't matter, since you can access the source through View->Source.
28.04.04 17:49
Post #51
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Yes, but in some of them, iirc, it forces you to the next page before you can do that if you get the password wrong.

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28.04.04 18:31
Post #52
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You can still get it, you just have to be quick. I've gotten the level 7 code just by spazzing out and clicking at the right time just after entering a random password...

Learn to look, look to learn.
28.04.04 18:33
Post #53
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i click save target as, and than open it in notepad:):)

PS>How to pass lvl7?
28.04.04 18:50
Post #54
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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arg i cant save level 3 :(.
28.04.04 21:05
Post #55
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:roll: Only at lv 3

29.04.04 04:16
Post #56
Last edited: 29.04.04 04:17 (Nameless_Soldier - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

[off topic]
why Nameless_Soldier dont have white torso here?

check color code for lvl 3, this is password:)
29.04.04 07:26
Post #57
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Quoted :: Archamond

[off topic]
why Nameless_Soldier dont have white torso here?

Some glitch, don't worry about it, an admin'll fix it some time.

edit: 666TH POST. :D
29.04.04 13:35
Post #58
Last edited: 29.04.04 13:35 (SPAZ - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: SPAZ

edit: 666TH POST. :D

29.04.04 15:13
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
Yes, but in some of them, iirc, it forces you to the next page before you can do that if you get the password wrong.

I used ReadMe's download script that he has put up on his site in those situations.
29.04.04 15:16
Post #60
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