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I put in my W:A CD, and it didn't work. My comp loaded but all that changes was the cursor change to a arrow and hourglass and thats it nothing happened. I've tried copying the files somewhere else, changing the complatibility to Win95. I don't know what to do. Plus I have Windows XP!

25.04.04 20:20
Post #1
Last edited: 25.04.04 20:22 (Zippy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yes yes same thing happens with demo. i told you 5000 freakin times it doesnt work on xp!
25.04.04 20:25
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Quoted :: MrrLL

yes yes same thing happens with demo. i told you 5000 freakin times it doesnt work on xp!

Whoa... where exactly did you get your information from? I dunno what you all are talking about, Worms Armageddon works just fine n Windows XP. Have you applied the beta2 update to it? I dont think you have to set compatibility mode, but you can try it (for windows 98).
25.04.04 23:13
Post #3
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yep, works fine without doing anything to compatibility. Download and then from the Team17 website and it'll work fine.

nice semi-transparent sig btw, re

You know I'm a dancing machine
26.04.04 13:05
Post #4
Last edited: 26.04.04 13:06 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thanks, the same. I'd start doing everything with this kind of graphic format if I thought MS was ever going to implement it in Internet Explorer.
26.04.04 22:00
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well didnt work for me lol, i even got the patches
27.04.04 01:08
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Then go post in the Team17 forums. Wait, you can't, it went down. Okay, post there when it comes back up ;).
27.04.04 02:22
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Actually, my WA disc doesnt go into autoplay. You either have to click on worms armageddon in your Programs menu or if you don't have it installed go to the Install directory inside the WA cd.
27.04.04 23:18
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did u turn auto play of with tweak UI?

edit: 666th post:twisted:

28.04.04 15:24
Post #9
Last edited: 28.04.04 15:27 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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or have you deletd autorun.exe? is it the official game or copyed, or sold out version?
28.04.04 20:38
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There strangly isn't an autorun.exe for W:A. And if it WAS copied (from the CD), it would still have it, if it did, which it doesn't.
28.04.04 23:35
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Yeah some just don't have autoplay working on theres. Tho for the record it's a copied version of which the original owner is a mystery.
29.04.04 22:57
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