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Poll: Will Longhorn be better than XP?
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My friend has a tablet, I'll ask him about it (of course, that depends totally upon if he's on AIM, which rarely happens).
16.08.04 17:19
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Learn to look, look to learn.
16.08.04 17:45
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better way to disalbe popups that use the messenger service: set it to auto.

start->Settings->control panel->Admin tools->services->messenger->prefs->startup mode: manual, not auto.

no more popups :)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.08.04 19:39
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Yeah, that's been fixed ages ago; wish told me what you just posted. although now it's down in text, I'll probably come back to it after forgetting.

About to order

Learn to look, look to learn.
17.08.04 10:01
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pope, that ebay one is exactly the same one my mum has, it's good from my use of it, I don't know about the volito tho. It looks kinda small compared to that.. heh.

edit: you do need space for the big one tho...

You know I'm a dancing machine
17.08.04 10:04
Post #35
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and a few hundred pounds according to the wacom site....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
17.08.04 13:16
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(eww mac)

if you want a decent tablet its going to cost atleast £100, ask for it as a christmas present! :D
17.08.04 13:31
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