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Your attention please:

Here's a new game type, it's called Arch Contest.
It could be named "Mexi Contest" as well, but "Arch" seemed nicer. :P
Hope you like it.

... that would be all, thanks.
09.04.04 09:29
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Seems nice.:) I like arches, I try to get really good at them.
09.04.04 10:02
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W%T, I got an instant win. I win.

Cool game

09.04.04 10:11
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Looks good
Competition and Practice8)
09.04.04 13:30
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I tried it. It was quite fun, but a Warmer is funnier.
09.04.04 15:35
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this game is shit, i mean, i would never dare 2 arch in2 a small tunnel, i know i would hit my self. also if ther was a place wher u had 2 arch, no choice about it, therd be more room on the other side. Ill try it online next time.

09.04.04 21:04
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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haha, i lvoe roping and doing tricks, ill check it out..
10.04.04 04:44
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Your attention please:

yes the idea is to play it against someone. :)
and best call is if that one has skills similar to yours. it can be v competitive!

... that would be all, thanks.
10.04.04 06:47
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Anyway, a common roper is funnier. Then you can do anything, not only arches.
10.04.04 14:36
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i can do arches if the vert lines are slopeing down ward \(left 2 right) and i can do half dragons, you dont make the 2nd repeat, so u repeat 2 the left, not the right when u drop.

10.04.04 22:09
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I don't think arches are that hard. But I suck at shadows.
11.04.04 09:01
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I can do shadows pretty consistently now. It's hard to believe that a while ago, I could do dragons, wizards, etc, but I couldn't do a shadow. And don't ask about it, it's too hard to explain.
12.04.04 02:25
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I can only do some slow ugly shadows. BTW, what is it called when you do like and arch, but continue after the arch and connect the rope to a piece of land next to where you would connect it if you did an arch? I'll draw a picture to show you:

The orange is the worm and the yellow is the rope.
12.04.04 13:21
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I believe that is an outlaw.
12.04.04 17:21
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Isn't an outlaw when you do as an inlaw but connect the rope on another place? (I suck at explaining stuff...)
12.04.04 17:24
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