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Quoted :: Dingbats

I can only do some slow ugly shadows. BTW, what is it called when you do like and arch, but continue after the arch and connect the rope to a piece of land next to where you would connect it if you did an arch? I'll draw a picture to show you:

The orange is the worm and the yellow is the rope.

That is a swoosh.

Anyone who plays WA or W2 would know that. I don't understand WWPers' lack of knowledge, in general.
22.04.04 22:39
Post #31
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:roll: my god its all the same thing.. same freaking games..
22.04.04 22:51
Post #32
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my gosh....WA isn't better's DIFFERENT@! so stop saying it is....the gravity is SOOO much easier to rope on....if you like playing the easier game to rope that is fine with me....but stop thinking your better than WWPers because you can scroll faster with your gravity....
22.04.04 23:28
Post #33
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I can't tell the difference in Gravity on WA + WWP:roll:.
22.04.04 23:41
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Um... because there isn't a difference. It's just the rope seems to move a bit differently between W:A and WWP (it's actually faster on WWP, I keep on hitting walls in it...)
23.04.04 00:38
Post #35
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watever....that difference makes roping faster...a lot easier....meaning...if you are good in wwp...once you get used to WA "rope speed" you'll own....
23.04.04 01:06
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So exactly how does fast roping make learning roping easier? The vast majority of people start off just doing basic stuff. I didn't even start to speed until about 3 months after I started roping. Plus, going from WWP to W:A (or vice versa), really, REALLY screws over my roping for at least two games. Thus, I just stick on one for the most part (W:A).
23.04.04 02:39
Post #37
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not roping fast....after you learn basic is harder to rope fast on WWP than on WA....
23.04.04 03:15
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Not with the super rope.:P
23.04.04 18:47
Post #39
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Super rope sucks, unless your a n00b.
23.04.04 23:22
Post #40
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I'm assuming super rope is an option in wwp?
23.04.04 23:44
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23.04.04 23:45
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Roughly, super rope doubles the length of the rope.
24.04.04 00:38
Post #43
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How does that increase ur speed?
24.04.04 01:33
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It doesn't increase the speed (WWP ropes just naturally move a bit faster). But, it does dramatically increase the likelyhood of saving yourself from a mistake. Personally, if you have to use the super rope as a crutch for roping, you probably don't need to be roping in the first place.
24.04.04 02:33
Post #45
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