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06.04.04 14:58
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It seems like they quit the project.
06.04.04 15:01
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meh, I didn't code it well enough, so when it got to a tricky bit it kinda stalled. I might finish it one day, but I have other things to do...

damn physics planning excercise...
German aural...
Maths exams....

pixville :)

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06.04.04 15:18
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Or the admins havn't been bovered to open it up to the rest of us peeps?

EDit: this message was posted before I saw ZoG's message.

06.04.04 15:19
Post #4
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Was Rusk planned to be socials only?
06.04.04 15:51
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I dunno, I wern't a blueie at the time, But i think It was just to test to make sure it all worked.

06.04.04 16:09
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Never mind, I'll be blue soon anyway.
06.04.04 17:33
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But the Rusk game has finished. It finished ages ago. It don't matter if ya a blueie (Rusk wise)

06.04.04 20:09
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

meh, I didn't code it well enough, so when it got to a tricky bit it kinda stalled. I might finish it one day, but I have other things to do...

damn physics planning excercise...
German aural...
Maths exams....

pixville :)

And who's added all these new functions to the website? Or couldnt you show it to sum other admins and work together on it. Sorry to sound anoying but I think I'd want that more than anything else at btp right now that ur making..
06.04.04 20:41
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I think the revamp of PixVille is more important than Rusk.
07.04.04 08:20
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there was only one new btp function in that list C1, the rest are things that I have to do in real life, i.e. to get into university. I think that's more important than rusk.

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07.04.04 08:40
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So you won't add maths exams to BTP?:P
07.04.04 08:43
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Nah, but I was thinking about doing the physics planning excercise for BTP. ;)

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07.04.04 08:48
Post #13
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Quoted :: Dingbats

I think the revamp of PixVille is more important than Rusk.

Who cares about that right now? There's a pixel ville there already. If u played rusk u would want to play it . It's so fun and addicting..
07.04.04 20:01
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Nah, but I was thinking about doing the physics planning excercise for BTP. ;)

Hmm... might be interesting. Why not just have a physics test on BTP? I need a thourough whipping in some science field or another since I'm sitting at the top of my Chemistry class (and I'm a sophmore 8O ).
Note: I know you were joking, but still... :P
07.04.04 21:43
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