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Not online within the last half an hour should have it. If not try the Get Plugins link from the plugins menu, that takes u to a pretty good site.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.04.04 23:33
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Plus it's got some kind of adware on it.

Our site? Shouldn't be any adware there. Or maybe you meant something else.
08.04.04 07:30
Post #17
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No, I mean IE seems to be infected...
When I was writing that, I did think that it could be taken the wrong way, but I couldn't think of a better way of putting it... heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.04.04 08:09
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Whatever. What I wanted to know when I started this thread, was if anyone liked the game. Has anyone actually played it?
08.04.04 13:52
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I have. I thought it was alright, but got a bit boring after a while.
08.04.04 19:37
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yeh i played it Dingbats reminds of da old mario on the snes nice job.:lol:


An image!

08.04.04 20:34
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Thanks!:) What do you think about the music? I'm the composer. I think it doesn't really fit in perfect.
09.04.04 10:05
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[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i will d/l it as soon as i find some time to do it
11.04.04 11:59
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At the moment you can't even visit, since we have exceeded our monthly bandwidth allowance. You'll have to wait 'till May!:(:P
11.04.04 12:09
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