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Actually if you read the rules and regulations when buying a site it says not to put porn on ur site or they'll shut it down.
27.03.04 18:08
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Quoted :: C1

Actually if you read the rules and regulations when buying a site it says not to put porn on ur site or they'll shut it down.

once again you speak in generalities.

That is just *most* of the contracts. How do you think those pr0n sites are up with contracts like that?

i do belive that allows porn.
27.03.04 19:21
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My host allows "legal adult content" at their discretion. I'm not sure exactly what that means though.
27.03.04 23:13
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Think it means you're allowed to as long as it's legal and you don't get caught because they won't be held responsible.

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31.03.04 14:30
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

how somebody can now your age when you visit site?
31.03.04 17:21
Post #50
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well i know ipowerweb doesnt allow it.
31.03.04 21:03
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

then we are lucky that they havent shut btp down:):):)
01.04.04 16:34
Post #52
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Zogger changed hosts anyways so it doesnt matter now..
01.04.04 20:39
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yes, adult content is allowed on this host - that doesn't mean people can post it though - we'd need a disclaimer, and I don't want it here anyway.

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02.04.04 11:28
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I've actually managed to cut down looking at porn by about 99% :D I think my hormones are starting to ease themselves.
02.04.04 12:31
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

02.04.04 17:09
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And you ask us why you think we thought you shouldn't become a mod, Archamond?!

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02.04.04 17:44
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

[nother spamming post]
[/nother spamming post]
02.04.04 17:50
Post #58
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lol, u asked to? It's (aparently) becouse they have plenty allready :D
02.04.04 18:46
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i asked zogger, he told me to ask mods, mods said no......................
03.04.04 14:21
Post #60
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