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Poll: Does the Pack Fricken Rock!
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It'll be hailed as a classic and only be dug up when old scores or bets need to be settled :D

I haven't played it in atleast a month. It's just lost the fun. A new 2D worms would rock my world even more than Far Cry did or what Half Life 2 will do.

An opensource version with a modtoolkit and a sdk would make it perfect for all sorts of mods. It's just a shame no publisher will take a gamble...

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.09.04 20:25
Post #46
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Worms will probably die out by the end of this year. Then I'll probably call it in. End of this year, being around march.
04.09.04 03:40
Post #47
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Heh, this site is much more visited than wormnet. ;)

04.09.04 06:38
Post #48
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It probably is.
Offtopic: [sarcasm]Nice Remote linking forbidden background khuzad :P [/sarcasm]
04.09.04 21:22
Post #49
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Uhh is it forbidden? :oops:

05.09.04 19:39
Post #50
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[G]the candy man
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yeah its cool but its quite hard to see your text
05.09.04 20:34
Post #51
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I played ut2004 a lot too.
*goes back to topic*

I can't wait to see pixel map pack 2.
Maps are still submitted to the site but maybe some people don't know about the pixel map pack, a lot of members sign up to submit maps and don't use the forums, so they don't read this. Maybe a little news post in the index page would give it a boost.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

08.09.04 15:10
Post #52
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We did when the new pack started.
09.09.04 03:00
Post #53
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[G]dj canada
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This is my submission to the pixel map pack.
Becuase, the map is made of over sized rounded pixels. ;)
09.09.04 04:03
Post #54
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3 things.

1) No on it.
2)You put on the site. The maps should only be obtainable from the pack.

09.09.04 15:17
Post #55
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Quoted :: psymon

3 things.

1) No on it.
2)You put on the site. The maps should only be obtainable from the pack.

2} No he doesn't. I know Bloopy put his maps on his site, from the pack, and so did I.

3) I don't get what you do for the scheme.
09.09.04 19:51
Post #56
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you use a shopper scheme, but you need to turn down gamma a bit, 5 of us played it just now and most could see the black bits with our normal settings.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.09.04 00:47
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yup, the gammer has to be alterd for them to be hardly visable

and another thing that would throw people off track would be to put the red dots off center, or put two red dots in one large pixel.

and i think the very dark grey areas can be ldarker:)

11.09.04 15:47
Post #58
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just out of interest, how many maps r there now and how many will it go up 2 b4 it is released in a pack?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

11.09.04 16:12
Post #59
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Sorry to bump here (old thread) but... anything new about pixel map pack 2 ? It would be great to see it released.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

12.11.04 20:42
Post #60
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