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but on wwp thers this random thing u have 2 do with ur maps. You've got 2 make a 16pixel clearence of white from the very left, otherwise that land will get picked up and put on the v far right

19.03.04 19:31
Post #16
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Sounds like a good idea. I might make a map if im not busy.
19.03.04 19:32
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well sounds good, but i won't make any cos i dont know how and i can't *n**b*:? how you do it?

An image!
21.03.04 15:31
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Okay i made a new's in a zip because i needed to add the scheme.

Here's the download to the map

Here's a preview of it (King's Army Map #4 is the btp tribute one)
01.04.04 21:15
Post #19
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Decided to contribute to this too. Don't have WA installed atm but I can still create maps. What kind of png does it need to be? png 8? png 24? png 32?

Oh and I have a great idea that utilises colour excellently.

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02.04.04 17:40
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The maps can be up to 96 colours but it will fook up the BG, 64 or under will keep the BG normal.

(It's okie though at 96 cause ya can just hide the BG with insert)

02.04.04 18:31
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So the colours can be any 64/96 colours adapatble to the map or is it a set pallete?

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02.04.04 19:18
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ANy 96 colours I guess. I havn't seen a set pallete anywhere. But sometime the game has trouble loading the PNGs. so save it as BMP(Colour obviously) and import it into the game, it will work all the time then. Ya still might be lucky enough that you don't have to do that.

03.04.04 06:44
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Yeah the saving format is only png. I've never been able to directly put a newly made png map into the savedgames directory without saving it..
03.04.04 17:10
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You mean without saving it in the w:a level editor? All my newly made png maps work fine, and i dont use anythin to convert em, i jus save em. (PS7 ownz)

Anywayz, about the pack, good idea, me thinks me will be making some maps for it. Just need to free some time and cut some lazyness. I started making maps again, if any1 cares.

30.04.04 22:44
Post #25
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Sorry to bump an old thread, But, There's only about 2 months till the deadline and the pack only have 10 maps, so please send some in. I might have to bring it down to 25 maps because 50 is a farcry from acheving. I think we have plenty enough Shoppas and ropers, so we need some RRs and some other gametypes maps need making..

03.08.04 08:51
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Can you please name us who's made maps, what gametype, etc.?
03.08.04 19:21
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C1_Kings army

03.08.04 20:13
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Hm. I'll make some more maps, once I get some time to.
03.08.04 20:42
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Quoted :: psymon

I might have to bring it down to 25 maps because 50 is a farcry from acheving.

Exactly the same thing that I found out :) I'll try and get around to some more too.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
04.08.04 13:46
Post #30
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