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anyone heard of HTMLPad 2000?
03.04.04 12:51
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Spellcheckers don't check the grammar, so the best way to use correct english is to learn it.:P
03.04.04 16:54
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Word is wrong half the time anyways when it comes to grammar
03.04.04 17:45
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But it is nice to at least have a second opinion on the spelling (since I use grammer correctly most of the time anyway)...
BTW, I'm too lazy to click on the link to check, but is that editor freeware tundraH? Because if so, I may have finally found what I was looking for in an editor, which is and editor that doesn't follow the rules of WYSIWYG and allows coding directly from the user.
03.04.04 22:21
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Glenn..u saved the worm badly or sumthing that i made for u. Because there's pixels around the sword. And it's not transparent.
Use this link...An image!
04.04.04 06:48
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04.04.04 08:43
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THANK YOU! I will try it out as soon as I have extra time to download it, which will probably be Friday.
And thanks C1. It doesn't seem like theirs something wrong to me, but I guess I'll just use that one instead...
04.04.04 19:41
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interesting program, tundraH, it's just a tad cluttered. I downloaded it to try it out, and inside I found a thing that displays all the user-defined functions in a file, but I never managed to find it again afterwards. heh. Spent about half an hour - 45 mins searching for it too.

You know I'm a dancing machine
05.04.04 09:31
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