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03.03.04 19:48
Post #16
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The quick clickies don't. U use the mouse. Which i like. And they havent worked for the longest time. I blame cb. I bet he made it so non-ie users can only use it or sumthing. I'm probably wrong however.
03.03.04 20:41
Post #17
Last edited: 03.03.04 23:28 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I have IE and they don't always work with me.

03.03.04 22:26
Post #18
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Here's a quote

Here's another

And once again

Quoted :: Glenn
Starting over...

Quoted :: Glenn
Here we go again

Quoted :: Glenn
Last one for you

Edit: I swear that wasn't working for me yesterday. I'll just have to look around for my post I used it on...
03.03.04 23:14
Post #19
Last edited: 03.03.04 23:15 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I ment it doesn't work for ie users. Because cb is a mozilla loving type of guy.
03.03.04 23:29
Post #20
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Okay, here's a post that proves that the quote tags may not be working correctly:

It's the post at the very bottom of the page (made by me).
03.03.04 23:36
Post #21
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That's odd. Perhaps the . screwed up the quote.
03.03.04 23:51
Post #22
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That's right, C1. I just do like this if referring to a url/site:

Quoted :: dictionary dot com

eye kant spel wurth this

04.03.04 04:58
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That's what I think too. Or do the quote tags have to be typed with CAPITALS?
04.03.04 07:03
Post #24
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i cant remember all the smilies. I uise ma kb for the ususals.

Tis worth noting that all the other links work for quote etc.

As of the thing about browsers. Why are firefox and opera linked to here. Are they advertisements? Or are the admin trying to give a few subtle hints?
04.03.04 09:13
Post #25
Last edited: 04.03.04 14:37 (The Wishmaster - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah, I've also thought about that. Is there maybe some secret sponsorship agreement between BTP and those two?;)
04.03.04 16:05
Post #26
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ooo maybe. /me smells a conspiracy
04.03.04 16:13
Post #27
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

it looks like that BTP have sponsors!

and if smiles in quick reply move, I can click on them
if they are freezed, i cant
04.03.04 17:28
Post #28
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mozilla are linked because we (at least some of us) recommend you use a better browser. I was thinking about having it check if you're using IE and put a message somewhere saying another browser is recommended, just to get as many people as possible not to use IE.

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.03.04 18:19
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Why do you want us not to use IE?
04.03.04 19:31
Post #30
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