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fuzzball, why does ur brother even come here? Tell him to bugger off it is him (which i doubt)
28.01.04 23:05
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any, ur lucky what ur birthdays are cuz mine is the 9/11/89 which is not a respectable date for USA

28.01.04 23:11
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Mines on 9/10. So i miss it by a day :D
28.01.04 23:14
Post #48
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aogger he is my bro again becouse we are on one server and live in the same house with 1 comp and we also have one computer
29.01.04 14:55
Post #49
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suspicious. Why would he say he didnt know who you were, why does he have the same style of writing, why does he have similar avatar style. It doesnt add up fuzz.
29.01.04 15:01
Post #50
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my avatar is nothing like his and pope made it for me anyway...
29.01.04 15:05
Post #51
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i knw that, your other avatars, your sigs, that short stuff uys sig.

Its all against you. IDIOT
29.01.04 15:19
Post #52
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And why would brothers go to the same sites? They wouldnt both come across the same site..
29.01.04 18:19
Post #53
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erm.. what's wrong with dvious coming to btp? lol... At least he seems to have a bit more sense than fuzzball...

And they probably would come accross the same sites, provided they live in the same house - it goes like "what's that website?" - "it's blabla website";

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.01.04 18:29
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Dvious is fine, It's just the rest of the Rest of the people on my IP, First they Steal my IP so you think i'm them, Then they dig up old threads, Swear at people and just generaly don't have a clue what's going on.

I just need to kill them,

PS. And multi-user

29.01.04 18:36
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oh, lol, forgot who we were talking about here... I don't know anything about Gecko..

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.01.04 19:10
Post #56
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

as wish says, fuzball is idiot
he have multiple users(i dont belive that he have so much brothers) and he with this new first say that he dont know who fuzzball is, and then says that they are his brothers
realy idiotic
30.01.04 09:34
Post #57
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would you read the posts? i said my brother not brothers and we both play worms and i don't know who retro is and finaly i have made 2 ppl on perpose more like 1 becouse fuzzball to XxfuzzballxX was becouse i don't know how 2 change profile back then and harrytipper and tripper was a spelling mistake also go and shout at psymon he has 5 users on the same ip what he says are all different and i say 1 is not me yet you belive him
30.01.04 14:45
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