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well fine..80%. And maybe ur keyboard sucks and u dont know it :O Maybe it's pretending to be good.
08.01.04 21:41
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Ther is something wrong with my keyboard, it's part of the reason I stopped playing worms. I used to be fairly good at this roping, but now I have a "microsoft office keyboard", which, as I have said before, has FKeys grouped in 3s, you have to press F-lock before you want to use the f-keys otherwise you accidentally end up starting some random program (although I have disabled the starting of some random program, you still have to press f-lock), the block with home and end in is arranged wrong, and you can only press 3 keys before the keyboard starts beeping.

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.01.04 21:44
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Quoted :: C1

well fine..80%. And maybe ur keyboard sucks and u dont know it :O Maybe it's pretending to be good.

It's possible. Only thing ever spilt on it may be a few drops of water and it got a couple spots of ink spatted on it (from about a foot away), so no keys stick at all or anything.

Also, if you're going to say it's someone's keyboard, you could say it's their front side bus, their processor, graphics card, or maybe their lack of SRAM (damn 256k'ers). But then, sticky shit usually isn't spilt on said parts, so maybe I'm full of shit.

We have those keyboards at school, ZoGgEr. 'hates 'em.

Btw, I have a backup keyboard next to me in case something ever did happen to this one and the keys started sticking. A nice $10 Micro Innovations keyboard (walmart).
08.01.04 21:45
Post #18
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oooo ya probably all those things are involved so when u call sum1 a n00b for doing shitty, it's usually not them its their keyboard, etc. Most n00bs, ask stupid questions, dont know game and have gay names and are from weird countries. Those are the people i
08.01.04 21:50
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comet -> £5 kb -> v good quality -> [S]ReadMe$1:-)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.01.04 22:23
Post #20
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well i didnt exactly spill drink over my kb i kinda chucked it bcoz my pc is crap it wont do nething i wnt it 2 do and my dad said they only time he would by a new pc if stoped working so i poured drink over it whilst on in an attempt to fuck it up but it didnt work the only thing that went wrong was the kb!

and what company makes kbs without that stupid 3key lock?
08.01.04 22:59
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lol..that's the stupidiest thing i ever heard :lol:
08.01.04 23:19
Post #22
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well my pc is so crap it really drives me mad.


plz write the spec of your pc you wish to donate on the back of a postcard and send it to PO BOX 6659 London SW6 9W2 England

winners will be chosen at random out of a hat.

08.01.04 23:46
Post #23
Last edited: 08.01.04 23:48 (XxDreamEaterxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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lol..i'll donate a cardboard box.
09.01.04 00:03
Post #24
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ty whats its spec???
09.01.04 00:42
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it's about 30 inches, brown, paper like, empty but it has a picture of a tv on it.
09.01.04 20:43
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Quoted :: C1

see my point proven. It's 100% keyboard.

well, thats not true, as i pwned before too ;D
10.01.04 00:00
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and what company makes kbs without that stupid 3key lock?


You know I'm a dancing machine
10.01.04 10:47
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o well i'll stay with 80% then. and ur old one was probably good too.
10.01.04 17:55
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