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Ive heard quite a few good and unfortunately bad reports on w3d so seeing as i know you guys and ummm "trust" you, in your opinions do you think w3d is worth buyin or is wa still better than w3d?
11.12.03 04:52
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they're two different games.

wa and wwp were very similar, like how GTA3 and GTAVC are similar. WA and W3D are different like GTA2 and GTA3 were.
11.12.03 05:27
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ok cheers i kinda follow what your sayin but not sure how to interprit that
11.12.03 05:33
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its really quite well done, although saying that ive stopped playing it for a while, wormnet is not superb, but im on a 56k. so yeah, but dont buy for console cos of the crate bug. And try to get the patch for the pc version.

All in all a good addition to the series
11.12.03 09:23
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what's the crate bug?
11.12.03 21:26
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something about not getting the full range of weapons in crates.

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.12.03 22:45
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do u reckon they might re issuse w3d on console to fix the bug?
12.12.03 00:30
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No. Then there's the "bug of death", the girder bug, the mission completion bug...
12.12.03 08:38
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yup, bottom line is dont get a console version
12.12.03 10:32
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Unless you have to because you can't get it for the pc. I have it for the Xbox. I don't know why so many people say it's very buggy because it's not buggy at all. I think i can only think of 1 bug and that's the homing pigeon. None of the others seem to happen with me.

12.12.03 22:08
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lucky you then, and yeah i agree. If u can run it nicely on the pc get it for the pc
12.12.03 22:14
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Unless you have to because you can't get it for the pc. I have it for the Xbox. I don't know why so many people say it's very buggy because it's not buggy at all. I think i can only think of 1 bug and that's the homing pigeon. None of the others seem to happen with me.

You're telling me your worm never sinks into big girders? And let me find that terrain code that crashes all unpatched platforms...

I'm not intending to start another pc/console argument. There are bugs in Worms 3D, but they're not really that major. The console users are just lucky that most of them seemed to be in the online code.

(There's also another really minor girder bug that was in the first demo. When you place one part of a bridge kit, the next one starts just above. This position is always counted as valid so you can build girder towers through land and worms, and go slightly above the normal height limit.)
12.12.03 22:42
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I found Worms3D to be very fun and exciting... for 1 week. Now it's boring, but I think I will enjoy it a lot when the map editor comes out. Right now I enjoy WA or WWP more, but I think the 3D map editor will change that for me.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
13.12.03 02:09
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The pigeon bug was the only one I could think of that happens at the time of posting. Yes, that does happen with the large girder most of the time.

13.12.03 14:53
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I got to about 50% completion on w3d and then I couldn't be bothered to do the missions because I didn't want to be challenged. The multiplayer got boring for me after a while because you can only get islands.

I have it for gc and I haven't noticed many bugs.
13.12.03 15:02
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