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Quoted :: Star Worms

There isn't enough information on the gametypes, I think it should tell you the rules too. I don't know what div1, div2, warmer, flyshoppa are. The ones which do have information for should tell you the rules eg. for shoppa:

ABL - Don't go for last unless in a pile.
CBA - Crate before attack

heh, well the gametypes tend to depend on how lazy the users are when they submit the gametypes. On the ones I submitted I tried to be as comprehensive as possible.


You could set the menu out like you do in Blame The Poxel. It looks much better and you can navigate easier.

Heh, maybe, but there's way too much stuff on the menu to fit into that space, and there are some problems with editing it to work in allthe custom designs. I think I may actually have done it long ago if it weren't for these two problems.


I was just comparing Wormiverse saying they had money too. I wasn't criticising this website or accusing you - I've just been on Wormiverse for a while now and they had a points system which I found fun and they had more help topics on how to get money and how to buy things etc. This probably links back to the nagivation point:?

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
(which I doubt)


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06.12.03 22:41
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The navbar does tend to seem cluttered, I don't know why but I like it that way...

And at least threads get marked read properly here. Hardly ever works at all for me on the T17 Forums.
06.12.03 22:47
Post #17
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well i think it'll be because this is the only forum i've seen that uses this particular post marker algorithm. Most of the others just makr all posts that are new since you last visited, wheras BTP actually records all the visits you make to a thread and marks them appropraitely.

EDIT: almost 18000 records in the table that records read threads.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.12.03 22:54
Post #18
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vBulletin has this bbthreadview cookie which looks like it's meant to do it, but it doesn't always work. It works sometimes, which I think is enough to prove that it's meant to, if you understand me.
06.12.03 22:57
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hmm interesting idea to do it with cookies, this way doesn't seem to have too many problems - it has less records than the phpBB_wordlist table normally does I believe.

I couldn't work out how phpBB does it, cause it works in the same way - in that a thread is marked as read as soon as you view it.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.12.03 23:00
Post #20
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hmm, most forums i visit just store the last time you came to the site in the DB then show all new posts since then, so if you miss any then they'll be marked read next time you visit....

also has some sort of cookie stored, but i think this may be to do with the sessions?

i had a look at the bbthreadview from vbulletin, it's a session only cookie and when unescaped it reads as follows:

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.12.03 23:13
Post #21
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hehe i love this site (blame the pixel)

its the most famous site in the world. (almost):mrgreen:
06.12.03 23:13
Post #22
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ya gametypes is made by members. So if u want them to have more info THEN DO IT URSELF YOU PILE OF CRAP! Out of all the things he said i agree with the post thread. It is a tad hard to find. Perhaps adding it to the contents menu would be helpful for n00bs but that would also lead to more spam. ANd money is gettings pointless and btp was the first to have it. So anyone after btp is coping btp. In fact wormuniverse is always down and probably during that time, copies other sites.
08.12.03 00:06
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o woops, post thread not post reply... []OPTiSSiMUS$1hits himself. now it makes sense.

08.12.03 01:43
Post #24
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uh who borked the page, damn horizontal bar. YEah money is bad very confusing. Best to ignore until its reset properly. I think this site has SO MUCH information and files and the like that it is really daunting at first but after a while u learn to get where u want to go without to much hassle.

ah well. also zogger ban sigmund, reason = repeat spammer
08.12.03 09:47
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i dont fricken believe it guys cmon opt and wish those posts were uneccesary coz nows it been taken off topic as u will find out shortly. now plz try and keep these threads on topic. TY
08.12.03 20:19
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remake money so it's better suited. Things like games (poker, ghost gunner, pixel flyer) should have monthly winners. And whoever wins the most in that time wins a FIXED prize. This means that if sum1 on ghost gunner gets a score of 105 and thats the highest for the month then they get a prize. But of course for people would stay on top and continuously get money. So what you do it make a highscore board for the month and one for anytime of the year/month.
08.12.03 20:45
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Quoted :: c1

ya gametypes is made by members. So if u want them to have more info THEN DO IT URSELF YOU PILE OF CRAP!

ooh, harshé.


ANd money is gettings pointless and btp was the first to have it. So anyone after btp is coping btp. In fact wormuniverse is always down and probably during that time, copies other sites.

wormiverse* There's no un in the name.
And it's already been covered that he wasnb't saying we were copying them. I just mentioned it in my post in-case he was.

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.12.03 09:28
Post #28
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Quoted :: C1
ya gametypes is made by members. So if u want them to have more info THEN DO IT URSELF YOU PILE OF CRAP!
The point was I was trying to find out rules for types of games so I can't write about them can I?:roll:

09.12.03 20:55
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09.12.03 21:02
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