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know anyone a tool, to make a flamebar in WWP?

Grezz t0bst3r
06.12.03 11:53
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Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.12.03 11:57
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uhh...... leetf*** (with stars)
26.02.04 05:07
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i would advise against using leetfook. I used to use wwpipe to impress other n00bs
26.02.04 15:44
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[G]the candy man
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i downloaded leet*** from annalaids underground.
What is wwpipe?
14.03.04 10:27
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

i would advise against using leetfook. I used to use wwpipe to impress other n00bs

I think it's a program like leetf*ck.
17.03.04 23:01
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Roughly yes, but it is for WWP only (at least, I think...).
17.03.04 23:34
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[G]the candy man
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well wherever you DL it from they should get rid of it, i think Annalaid did. But i used to have it and its blatant you cheated if your rankings the best, i used to have it and it made me look like a complete wanker when i was on top rating and i didnt live up to it.
22.03.04 21:21
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He said "to make a flamebar", not "to set in on my team/to have it/etc".

WWPipe pwnz, it can change ur flag and leetf*ck cant, it works and u can host, with leetf*ck u not always can.

//Now goes a line if you really wanna make a flamebar, i.e. green one, etc

Get an editor from then open with it file WWP/Data/Gfx/Gfx.dir. Find fire-blu.img then click "Extract and convert" and save it to any folder on ur HDD. Simply change the graphics of fire-blu.img.bmp file u'll get(i.e. make a flamebar green), then in editor click "Convert and add" and select fire-blu.img.bmp. Then run the game with a blue flamebar selected and enjoy!

24.03.04 01:00
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wow i might try that. Does it work for wa?
31.03.04 15:17
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the sprite editor works best with W:A.

You know I'm a dancing machine
31.03.04 15:20
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haven't tested this with W:A coz my leetf*ck suddenly stopped working :evil: . Replacing sprite works fine. Ya can exchange flamebar sprites lol. Anywayz it works only on yer comp unless u sent yer flamebar to another guy.

04.04.04 16:10
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i dont like when people use leetf8ck because its cheap, especially when n00bs use it. You used to be able to compete in the Elite place and win it, i dont think u can anymore though.
13.05.04 19:58
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No, you can't. You won't be able to until they add ranks back into W:A, and even then you'll have to wait for the game merger (if that happens).

BTW, nice marquee in your sig SKATE.
14.05.04 19:12
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whats the tag for that?
14.05.04 21:22
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