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An image!

It's an MMORPG. You can only play it if your an Alpha tester. The actual game was supposed to come out Jan 1, but it got delayed. So yeah, but you can sign up for testing. They still need testers.

05.12.03 23:43
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hmm interessant, but wouldn't you end up lost in the middle of nowhere with no-one around?

probably not actually ;)

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06.12.03 11:52
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whats a borderless rpg? and what is the difference between a normal rpg and a bordeless rpg?
08.12.03 19:08
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I'm guessing one has limits and another doesnt?

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08.12.03 19:19
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

whats a borderless rpg? and what is the difference between a normal rpg and a bordeless rpg?

This "Borderless RPG" means 2 things: no window borders, and there is no storyline, your free to do anything you want. Kinnda like runescape (but i don't know about the borders) but better :)

08.12.03 23:15
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ok sounds very cool maby ill be a tester *humm*
09.12.03 15:20
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

might give it a try. is it like there are several storylines which you can follow?

An image!
25.12.03 20:19
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i'd say runescape..u just cant get to anywhere else..they made it so it seems u just can leave the islands ur able to get to. Cause the map doesnt just stop..they have water to do that for them.
25.12.03 21:39
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But BRPG has a kick ass battle style, soo much better than that stupid gay-ass runscape

26.12.03 19:39
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have u been to runescape lately? they're making the graphics better and better battching
26.12.03 20:47
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cool, where can i get runescape?

wait don't worry just went in google for it. found it now.

26.12.03 21:23
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The graphics still make it slow, it's buggy, you can't d/l it anymore (you used to be able to) and it's slow and annoying. All the users are girls and all they tell you is about their boobs and shit and they tell you that their loners.


:P BRPG might be starting marriges soon

27.12.03 16:43
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i know runescrap is crap. not sure why i have not removed it from my favs yet(why did i put it in my favs in the first place)

i might use BRPG. when is it going to be rdy to use.

27.12.03 16:57
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The games not coming out for a while. It had to be postponed.So it ain't coming out on Jan 1 :(

28.12.03 01:28
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yes but for rs they're making it 3d and better graphics. And houses (which i dont like)
28.12.03 06:14
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