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yeah, routers... what is so bad* about them? cuz i think i have to get one to put my ps2 online :?
30.11.03 11:44
Post #1
Last edited: 30.11.03 11:48 (Meiapaul - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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nothing really. []The Pope$1is desperate to get one so he can play against friends who have 56k. then i could host 1v1v1 tournys

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30.11.03 11:46
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what r u on about pope?

30.11.03 12:02
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[]The Pope
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routers. they are the things which let u share an internet connection across multiple computers rite?

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30.11.03 12:07
Post #4
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i dunno :p

i guess so
30.11.03 12:40
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yeh dammit. I needed one for my gamecube to play pso but I couldnt get one. I had to stick to 56k until my mum got mad when the fone bill was £200-odd.
30.11.03 13:34
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Not online within the last half an hour 4 port router for £40.

A router is an advanced hub that allows you to share a broadband connection over multiple computers, connects up using RJ45 ethernet cabling, so if you're using a router you wont need a broadband modem, just a plain old ethernet card.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.11.03 14:52
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[]The Pope
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wow, could've saved myself £90 quid and not buy a modem., ah well. ill look into that too Readme, thanx

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30.11.03 14:54
Post #8
Last edited: 30.11.03 15:14 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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heh, [noob] how can i find my ethernet card? [/noob]
also, my crappy modem is usb, it doesnt have an ethernet port, will that cause issues? :o

edit number 2 : this
30.11.03 17:51
Post #9
Last edited: 30.11.03 18:25 (Meiapaul - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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do some1 know how i get picture/animation under my name???
i just asked.
01.12.03 16:30
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yes i do. in ur profile, where it says avatar url, but the url of the picture u want there.

can i have some more power so i can whap tax on this guy's ass?
01.12.03 17:01
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i was thinking about getting a router for a system but then i thought...hmm i dont play on mine enough anyways for it to matter :P
01.12.03 22:29
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Butt Cheek
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hey man ever been to a forum before? no? how did I guess? ok the idea is that you post about the topic of the thread (wow, there is some order) and if there is no thread that is right start your own. Good luck.

01.12.03 23:39
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hows he have that much money? Meh as i said money is stupid and should be deleted. Or make poker not involved with money. Cause thanks to poker money's been reseted so many times it doesnt really matter now. The n00bs have more then it doesnt show much about people now
02.12.03 03:31
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it would appear that poker has broken itself, i've not touched it so i'll have to have a look later.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.12.03 20:00
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