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i have been on btp for around 2 years

*cough cough*

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.12.03 14:15
Post #31
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well i dunno if u can really disprove thatg, what with no record of it...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.12.03 15:19
Post #32
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you can still be like the rest of us and say "yeah ok" while quietly laughing under your breath
03.12.03 15:22
Post #33
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Quoted :: readme

well i dunno if u can really disprove thatg, what with no record of it...

erm... look again... 2 years...

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.12.03 15:32
Post #34
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Meh (woohoo, I always wanted to remeber to use that word) thinks that its ok for Dreameater to be a mod. if thats what the people wanted. but if them people are mods don't that make them kinda menbers of the staff. correct me if i'm wrong.

just a little bit off topic yet the part above is off topic from the oringanal. how about puting your fictoleague rank on the profile or the bit to the side.

and yth has my tax gone up. ohhhhhhh wait just remebered a valid reason why it has gone up.

03.12.03 16:16
Post #35
Last edited: 03.12.03 16:22 (psymon - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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well yea but lol look at the poll! 23 to 1 lol:)
03.12.03 16:20
Post #36
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BTP is only 1 year old rite?

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.12.03 16:25
Post #37
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about that yea, i think
03.12.03 16:29
Post #38
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ok so i tried to blag it a bit but ive been on btp more or less from the start
03.12.03 18:21
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I've been lurking in the shadows of btp for over a year from what I can remember. I thought btp started way before I came along.
03.12.03 18:47
Post #40
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i've only been on for a couple of months and has anyone looked at the poll 24-24.

03.12.03 19:21
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BTP started on the 30th Sept 2002 iirc, so you could've been lurking over a year - you signed up over half way through though methinks.

If only I'd done the signup date thing :roll:

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.12.03 19:49
Post #42
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iirc = what? i initially thought as i recall, but A) thats 3 words and
B) As doesnt begin with i...

03.12.03 21:33
Post #43
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damn... google it.

if you dont wanna do that...

iirc- if i recall correctly

or if i remember correctly
03.12.03 21:36
Post #44
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i really cant be assed googling it :D
03.12.03 21:40
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