
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » the patch

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is the patch out yet, has it been delayed? i cant get even close to the team17 sites. they just timeout.


ok managed to get on the team17 forum after deleting my cookies ( *sigh* )

looks as if the patch is now delayed for a while no dates since the staff were getting a load of shit about the delay.
12.11.03 08:26
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Last edited: 12.11.03 12:40 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The forum has apparently just been moved to the new server. Still slow for me though.

Delayed patch... sounds familiar...
Someone had to say it.
12.11.03 17:17
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there are a couple of ppl from t17 on wn3 now, talking about it. heh. Still, people should stop complaining at them so much, they have to actually do the thing..

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12.11.03 17:18
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Quoted :: APJ
The patch is not far off, but definately not today or tomorrow.

edit - forgot to mention, he said that yesterday, so maybe tomorrow. It's GameSpy QA's fault.
12.11.03 17:38
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Last edited: 12.11.03 17:40 (tundraH - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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GameSpy sucks. It's sad that Team17 even used it/them.
12.11.03 21:38
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aparently thats the reason for delays, gamespy being 8hours behind according to spadge. expect the patch very soon :lol:

also trouble accessing the team17 forums, delete ure cookies is what i HAD to do to fix it
13.11.03 09:21
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patch should almost definately be availabe tomorrow :D

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13.11.03 16:33
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i dunno if this is what you saw ZoGgEr! (i think you said you talked to some Team17 or somethign on WN3), but there's at least a link to information about the patch on Worm 3D's web site, here they say it should be out the morning of friday the 14th at the earliest, etc. etc.
13.11.03 23:46
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