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Post your Worms 3D bugs here. I found this:

An image!
The parachute didn't disappear! Maybe not a big bug, but you may find a bigger.
11.11.03 18:26
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hit the space bar or left click. then it will drop but they wont drop in wn

11.11.03 18:49
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when you complete a chalange, when you click back it goes back to the time and stuff..
11.11.03 18:57
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complete a mission on gold and go to the mission select screen, click back and it goes back to the confirmation screen, you can use this to have every level set as gold, although you wont get the prizes.

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11.11.03 23:15
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i found this buggy if u dont know what the picture is of its a wing of a plane and the worm is some where there in the wing

12.11.03 16:31
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wait?! I remember i told everyone this..didn't i tell you the graphics would mess up like this before it even came out. Man who knows 3d games..
12.11.03 21:25
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Look who's back!
Get ready for some spam (or not)!

But it's still fun, C1... Why do you don't like W3D? is it just bcos roping isn't available? Or is it bcos you got pentium I or something and can't play it?

An image!
14.11.03 17:23
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[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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found another one i think, anyone tried setting worms to be manually placed on a multiplayer game?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
14.11.03 23:39
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Some Z-buffers problems too, when you use air strike attack, and target with E, then it aims far away in water...
That makes this weapon hard to use depending on the angle you get to aim.
Some camera problems, as usual (waiting for patches)

How can we rope ??? I'm shoppa addicted...


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15.11.03 09:06
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erm, it only aims far away in the water IF YOU CLICK WHEN THE CURSOR IS BLUE just make sure it's white and you'll be fine. Also dont forget you can move the blimp around with ctrl or the middle mouse button.

Btw, ignore the one about manual placement, it seems to work now.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.11.03 12:50
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I knew that cursor had different colors :lol:
Anyway i hope that huge patch (tomorrow) is going fix a few things.


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15.11.03 13:00
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I should think so, otherwise they might as well just give you a 54MB file that repeats "lalalalala" over and over again.

You know I'm a dancing machine
15.11.03 13:04
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The pigeon - says it all! If you aim it at a worm is flies around it and then flies off into the sea.:evil:

07.12.03 18:00
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[RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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thats cos u need to aim at the feet (i know) of the worm.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.12.03 19:56
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well it's very very hard to on the Xbox version as when you move the analogue stick it moves about 5 lengths of a worm:x It's impossible to.

07.12.03 20:02
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