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anyone managed this and fancy giving me tips?

i only just managed silver by dropping two worms sweeping up with the third

EDIT: i also cannot do the nobody rides for free level for gold and i cant find the easter egg for madchester, any tips would be helpful as i'm stumped.

95% complete dammit.

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10.11.03 23:54
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For the beanstalk, I made sure I got every single target with the first worm, and then used the parachuute deslection thing, where you jump off the cloud right above the boat, close your parachute, then as you fall right click to open the weapons panel and select the parachute just before reaching the ground (to make sure you hit the boat instead of drowning). You probably already know that technique tho. heh. Still if you do the droppy parachute thing for both of the second worms then you should get gold.

I didn't manage to get gold on the NRFF mission, but there is some advice on the t17 forum.

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11.11.03 10:36
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madchester is that a sound bank??

i have it

u need 2 find the ester egg in schools out i think

the ester egg is lob a few nades thru the hoops and i think u get madchester ime not sure cos i exited the screen and it didnt tell me what i got

and 4 the no one rides 4 free i have found out that u can hide near a ticit booth, the other worms wotn dare damage the booths

11.11.03 17:16
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yeah, i can do it in about 4 mins, but i still get bronze, didn't knwo you could re-select chute when falling tho, i keep pressing f7 to no effect.

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11.11.03 23:13
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yeh you can't use the fkeys while you're moving, which is a bit er.. silly.

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12.11.03 16:13
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ohhhh u can fall on chute and get chute out agen. ahh i was wondering how 2 do get the targets real low down on the chute challanges

12.11.03 17:30
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wooo, got it all cept gold on NRFF

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12.11.03 22:21
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I'm on 94% now, just need NRFF, and another couple, can't remember which...

edit: oh yeh, alien Juice Suckers...

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13.11.03 08:43
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lmao, i got gold first attempt on that, have a worm port around the back to the crates, and use jetpacks to get onto the saucers the u can chute down to the other worms.

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13.11.03 20:22
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hmm good idea there ;)
You don't start with the jetpack, do you? cause I didn't collect all the crates..

edit: 96% now btw. heheh. only concrete donkey, alien juice suckers and NRFF left - but what's th extra 1%?

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13.11.03 22:41
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dunno, i've got it all but i'm stuck on 98% cos jet pack challenge 1 still on my not done list >.< can still play it tho.

concrete donkey is a wormopedia entry lol.

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13.11.03 22:48
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I thought you'd completed it..
and where is the concrete donkey one...?

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13.11.03 22:52
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i think it's from alien juice suckers, and i have unlocked it all, it just only says 98% and has jetpack challenge 1 on my not unlocked list, and shotgun challenge 1 i missing form my unlocked list, altho i can play both of them no probs.

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13.11.03 23:03
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jet pack challenge 1 is still on my list of things to unlock, even though I already have it

ah never mind, I got gold in it and that 'unlocked' it
100% for me now too, just got gold in beanstalk :)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
04.12.03 10:40
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The second unlocking on those challenges is for the map.
04.12.03 18:19
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