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All random generated Worms 3D levels are not as funny as some others. Post the numbers of funny levels here, so other people can play those levels too!
I've got no. 30896493 to share with you.
06.11.03 14:58
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CB showed me either ZoGgEr! or BlameThePixel, that looked fairly good. Not sure tho, can't remember which one it was. heh.

I tried playing with the code CBWhiz, but the game lasted about 2 mins cause the level was so small.

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06.11.03 16:21
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What kind of levels were those? I mean like Pirate, Lunar, Horror and so on.
06.11.03 17:31
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Who remembers? :)

BTP = good level

CBWhiz = super small crappy level (2 islands)

ZoGgEr! = lunar large level (pretty fun, but too many oil barrels)

I played a few more but I dont rememebr them. r_e hosted many, so he should know a few more :)
06.11.03 17:54
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I'll try those. Has anyone tried 30896493? It's a nice Pirate level.
06.11.03 18:40
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hey guys i got w3d for gamecube and i think the codes work on gcn and are the same for pc. I got some words my friend gave me and they turned out good.

Marvin = ok map
Frank = Super duper small map smaller than CBWhiz
Zen = okk
Slime = cool
07.11.03 16:25
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Looking for a small map? Try 4035745591! VERY small.
07.11.03 16:27
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07.11.03 20:06
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Here's a SMALL map: ILIKECORNS. Try Team17 too!
09.11.03 12:38
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hmm, where would all these maps be?
09.11.03 12:48
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What do you mean?
09.11.03 12:53
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You have to type the codes into the random number generator that gets generated when you make a map. Theres a few glitches no gamecube ma thing tho.
09.11.03 12:56
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meh, the unlockable levels are miles better, i wanna be able to play the two indoor levels (office and kitchen) they're missions only tho :/

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.11.03 23:26
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yea, i liked typin in shit and me and CBWhiz would play on that, but i wanna unlock levels and shit now to play more um... eye pleasing levels.

'CBWhiz' took me about 35 seconds earlier today. had 6 worms each, I played offline and beat my friend in two turns, each with zook.

oh yea, and then we played 'ZoGgEr!' again, all his worms got clustered in one place that I couldn't reach easily (or at least I couldn't see directly at his worms). We had to blow apart parts of the level and use Homing Missile and Air Strike and that kind of shit. dun remember/care who won.

There are other levels that are slightly interesting, but not too great. Imma just try and unlock shit now. I'm only at 13% cuz I can't get gold on 'When Annelids Collide'. If anyone knows exactly how to get that, plz tell me (PM, reply, whatever).
10.11.03 01:45
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Yeh I think the better levels will come with the map editor. The level generator is a little inflexible atm.

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.11.03 17:01
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