
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » W3D: Who has it, and meeting times

Poll: Have a BTP W3D Tourny?
Frankly scarlet, I dont give a damn! 8 users
Wait till everyone has it 5 users
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Being a new game, W3D gives us an opportunity to get the BTP community together. Post here when you get it, and the possible times you can meet.

Note: always include the timezone code after the times.

I'll go first.

I have W3D.
I can play pretty much any time from 5:00 PM EST to 10:00 PM EST.

You post here when you have the game. no other time. Gamespy discussion elsewhere. And yes, W3D is its own client, you dont need Arcade.
05.11.03 03:26
Post #1
Last edited: 05.11.03 18:56 (CBWhiz - 1 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i have W3D
i can come on as soon as it works :D
05.11.03 16:13
Post #2
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I finally have it, just installing now. Don't know when I'll be able to play tho'. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
05.11.03 16:28
Post #3
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I have it and it works now WOOO

[Edit reason: your post started an off topic discussion about gamespy, i removed the instigatory phrase. Also, this paticular thread should be kept to a one post per person, as it is only meant to be "i have it lets play at ____"]
05.11.03 20:42
Post #4
Last edited: 05.11.03 21:51 (CBWhiz - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i have it lets play at around 9:30 - some time GMT.

i'm on cable (Cox Comm.) and i can host
05.11.03 22:02
Post #5
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16:30 - 18:00, 21:00 - 22:30, GMT. I can host, bow down to the dialup user. ;)
05.11.03 23:03
Post #6
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you can get a good geame goin on a dial up tundraH? just wondered cos if u can then ill buy pc if not then i buy for ps2.
06.11.03 19:09
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Yep, I can host and join, people can join my games if their firewall's ok. I get lag, but not enough to moan about. Anyway, back on topic...
06.11.03 21:15
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i have it. i can host. but when i click on the tick 2 enter the lobby it takes me right back 2 the main menu
if u wanna play me just pm me

10.11.03 19:47
Post #9
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I have it. Ermmmmm.... plz provide conversions into GMT

17-19:00 GMT
05.12.03 20:17
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Got it but never playd online, i will try this week.

05.01.04 14:46
Post #11
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

good luck with that if you have 56k
06.01.04 13:57
Post #12
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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well i do and it doesnt lag much at all, Just a bit in between turns. Never during a turn
07.01.04 13:22
Post #13
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

it never lag, or i dont know that it lag.
game always crash in few sec.
i tried 20 times, and then lose my nervs:):)
07.01.04 14:04
Post #14
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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got the patch archie? are u configured correctly. If there are problems the game quits, moslty because it goes out os sync with other players. but if sum players are set up poorly it can crash.

I would get the patch if u dont already, it fixes alot of the crashing issues. ( as well as th epigeon ;) )
08.01.04 09:53
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