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An image! this is it yes it's sucky but made on paint :P

and i have 2 make put them on here so you lot can see them becouse i :cry: cant submit them
03.11.03 10:57
Post #1
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LMAO. That sig is worse than mine and I'm SPAZ!
03.11.03 12:37
Post #2
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yep i know it's MAGER! sucky but iv made a half decent 1 on your thread it's a farmer and v cool and i ges the bg is good plz have a looky at ma farmer 1 ok?
03.11.03 13:38
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i guess i really shouldnt say that one is bad. I couldnt do anything that good in paint.
03.11.03 13:57
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paint is the best editing tool ever! it is gr8 2 make maps in. and remove any annoying pixels that make the picture look bad! all worship MS paint!

03.11.03 13:59
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but have you had a look at ma farmer? that 1 iz good
03.11.03 14:01
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why cant u submit them? is it that u dont know how or is it that it wont let u?

03.11.03 14:21
Post #7
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it's not letting me i upload it just gets a broken link :( any help ne1?
03.11.03 14:32
Post #8
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wait u cant get to the upload page at all or u upload the picture and it doesnt work? be specific and maybe people can help.

03.11.03 14:37
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i upload the pic and dat works but wen i submit it does'nt work i can get da imeges up in the forum look
An image! see?
03.11.03 14:46
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if you're putting the code in that you are in that post (ie <img src=''etc...> or [ img ]image [/img] then your putting the wrong thing in the box.

You put in the URL not the HTML, you only need the address bit, eg

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.11.03 17:17
Post #11
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nope i did that on my first nameplate but still nadda
03.11.03 17:24
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can I ask what you are putting in the box, because you're doing it wrong in the posts.

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.11.03 17:44
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yes, what is this:

Quoted :: fuzzball's attemt at putting a pic in his thread

' alt='An image!'>

just hit the image button, put your url in, and then enter.

03.11.03 20:46
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Your sig sucks balls. Paint is only good for making maps and thats it. Paint is the WORST program ever, so go buy photoshop or fireworks or something that Microshit hasnt made
03.11.03 20:48
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