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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!


and t17's forum are shotty, too. i dunno what they need to do over there, but they need to do something (to fix forum and wormnet).

their first mistake was probably using GameSpy.

what's wrong with their forums? it's just a vbulletin. yeh they've been a little slow / down lately cause of the huge server load, but there's nothing else wrong with em.

And the gamespy thing... what else do they do? It's already quite difficult to run two wormnet servers I imagine, and as they say they can concentrate more on the actyual gameplay if they leave the server development to someone with more experience.

4 WormNET servers in the Team17 HQ building atm:

Worms World Party
Worms Armageddon
Worms 2
and the Worms 2 Demo Server

And using Gamespy is good. Oh no, you have to have a little Gamespy logo in the frontend. What a pity.
05.11.03 14:34
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that can be fixed im sure, correct?
and are u like a staff 4 t17 or somthing? u keep coming to their defense...

05.11.03 15:37
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so do I :P, because T17 haven't done anything badly wrong, nothing deliberate or based too much on their own monetary gain, and you can only expect a business to want monetary gain.

You know I'm a dancing machine
05.11.03 16:30
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whoa im not saying i dont like T17... i hate it when people blame Team17, they're an amazingly cool company.

05.11.03 16:34
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Of course they are cool, they've made Worms!
05.11.03 17:05
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