
BTForumWormy DiscussionWorms 3D DiscussionW3D advertising: Hmmm

Poll: Is Worms3D advertising the way you want it?
Stupid pictures/phrases 1 users
Okayish 2 users
Yeah, fine 2 users
Inaccurate adverts 0 users
Sega stink at advertising W3D 3 users
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"Start a war for the fun of it"

Very odd phrase. I don't like it much.

On a different subject... worms 3D advertising is excessive. All over Game (local games shop) are posters for it. It's really good.... but do you like the way it's advertised?

Opinions welcome.
02.11.03 18:44
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I can't say I've noticed. But then I don't actually visit games shops more than about twice a year.
From what I hear tho' it is a little over hyped. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.11.03 20:10
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I have never seen any advertisement for worms (that i can remember) because I live in the damned US.
02.11.03 21:34
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well i havent seen much. A few posters in a box on the floor in virgin. That s about it. Its not like massive person sized billboards are slapping you in the face is it?

i think more games should advertise on tv.
03.11.03 09:54
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you know what? i have not seen a single thing of adverting for w3d.i think the reason its not advertised is cause its more of a sratergie game.if it was more like a sport or an active game it would of been better advertised. also a nuther reason its not been advertised well is cause it would be persuouched by the people who had the other worms games.

03.11.03 16:42
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yeah, its hard advertising for RTS' or turn based games. Making an advert for a shoot'em'up is easy as I found out in english. Last year, we were set to do an advert for a game of our choice. We chose Battlefield 1942, so we could build shoddy, flimsy boats/planes and jeeps out of cardboard. We done it all, rehearsed our lines and our selling point were the vehicles. The commercial ended up being so good that we were forced to perform it infront of evyerone in our year. So there was me with a crappy, felt tip coloured helmet sat in a jeep, with a dodgy russian accent, since there is no other such thing other than a dodgy russian accent when coming to impersonate russians, and basically shouted charge! and about 4 other of my m8s charged at this single japanese guy. Then the jap blew himself up and then it panned to another of the vehicles.

At the end of all of this, the crowd stood up and applauded for our heroic deeds. And with all of us ecited by all of this cheer, we chucked the jeep into the crowd and smashed some townie heads. Although we got away with it. Quite chaotic really...

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.11.03 19:35
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how old are u pope?
03.11.03 23:11
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well he sez he's 14 but he did go trick or treating....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.11.03 23:20
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lol..he's v smart tho
03.11.03 23:25
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Butt Cheek
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i bet he puts it all on... sits there with a thesorous to write all his posts ;) anyway i wish my school was that fun the most we do in front of the class is recite a poem.

04.11.03 02:02
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C1, how old are you? You seem to have used that sentance 3 times now. Learn some new phrases.

The t.o.t thing was cool. I got loads of sweets and a few kisses from some girls which werent too bad in the looks area;)

And I don't put on all this mature talk. It's just I'm very intelligent for my age. I mean how many people can explain Einstein's theory of relativity easily? Not many, I know that.

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.11.03 18:54
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Butt Cheek
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i can u arrogant twit.

04.11.03 21:51
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well u are that is why i say it pope. And i've noticed i use words like "well, so, um, hmm, etc" always at the beginning of sentences. It doesnt seem right without them. I'm 15 pope.
04.11.03 22:42
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Energy = mass times speed of light squared

whats difficult about that? the question is can you show his derivation for this equation?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.11.03 22:53
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where did that come from?
08.11.03 22:54
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