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Yes its here and i have it on 2cd's :)
31.10.03 15:30
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Me too. See you on Wormnet?

edit - Gotta love the cheek of this install program. First, it annoys me by making me keep swapping discs. Then, it asks if I want to install Gamespy Arcade or (I don't want it at all thanks). Then, to top it off, it opens the readme file in Iternet Explorer...
31.10.03 15:50
Post #2
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I'll probably get it tomorrow. I look forward to play it.
31.10.03 17:47
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I hear wormnet is a tad shoddy at the moment, hopefully there'll be some patching for that...

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31.10.03 17:53
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the game sux realy i have it :P camra is solid 2 move where u want it and takes ages 2 get out weps so wwp is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better
31.10.03 20:11
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erm... I had no probs with the camera in the demos.

Weapons - use the FKeys, they're so much better.

You know I'm a dancing machine
31.10.03 20:42
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Yep, WormNET is awful. They've already announced a patch.
31.10.03 22:23
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that doesnt surprise me much. a lot of times they'll make patches just so crackers will have to recrack it or the such. which im sure they will about as quick as they release patches.
31.10.03 22:24
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

the game sux realy i have it :P camra is solid 2 move where u want it and takes ages 2 get out weps so wwp is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better

You can't compare W3D and WWP. W3D is 3D and WWP is 2D.
01.11.03 09:50
Post #9
Last edited: 01.11.03 09:51 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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just quik questions. Does the mouse move quite slowly on W3D, it seems to move really slowly on the demo :/

quite annoying. especially when uve got secs to go.
01.11.03 12:25
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works fine for me on demo, my copy not arrived yet - i reckon monday or tuesday, depending on the strikes.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 14:59
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i cant play online :(
01.11.03 16:19
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

just quik questions. Does the mouse move quite slowly on W3D, it seems to move really slowly on the demo :/

quite annoying. especially when uve got secs to go.

i think it moves too fast.
01.11.03 17:34
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I went to four six different game shops today, ready to but W3D. No one had it!:cry:
01.11.03 19:20
Post #14
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wanna know what bugs me? its how the mouse goes in a circle on the menus and stuff i want to kill it. i dont know why but i hate it.

02.11.03 01:20
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