
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheMoney » Taxes can be good

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i've just found something with the taxes that can be exploited

simple 1st get a -tax then find someone else with -tax then just keep donating money to each other then split it (the -tax adds more money)

27.10.03 18:03
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or you can just donate to yourself.

and frankly scarlet, i dont give a damn :)
27.10.03 18:17
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yeh, it's been worked out already :P.

You know I'm a dancing machine
27.10.03 19:12
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so do i lose money from posting now?
27.10.03 21:02
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no, but you gain about a fraction of a penny i think :)

i forget what its worth to post, like $0.03? if so you only get 5% of that, which is $0.0015. So you gain that much per post. However, I dont think the DB stores that precisely, so you gain nothing :)
27.10.03 21:22
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why do we have 2 taxes now then? i dont see the point, unless income tax is based on total cash? that'd make sense lol....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.03 21:42
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it is. But pfff..
27.10.03 21:58
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Yes Readme, income tax is based on your cash - thats kinda the point :)
27.10.03 22:04
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well i didn't read the other thread til after this one lol.

anyway psymon - loophole in ur plan, how u get -ve tax?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.03 22:12
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ask one of us :)
so far me, c1, and some other dude have - tax - corse with c1, he gets 95% tax total now :)
27.10.03 22:14
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Not online within the last half an hour i really get nothing.
27.10.03 22:22
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What is this? is there a thread that i havnt read?

28.10.03 02:23
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mouseover their name and all shall be releavled...
28.10.03 02:24
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Quoted :: psymon

1st get a -tax

easier said than done :lol:
28.10.03 17:50
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whiz the money for a post is £1.00, so with 95% tax it's 5p, and it's 0.025p = £0.00025 for a hit. I think float values can be that precise.

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.10.03 19:46
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