i know bbut fireworks is much better in terms of graphics and it looks sp much better and plus i can't figger out how to use flash so i don't really care
meh, i had a buzz at doing matrix style anims with flash, all u need to do is repeat the movie with a 1 frame delay on a different transparency on the layer below to achieve the same effect, I've done one exactly the same as pope's to illustrate the point, then i made this:
what swearing worm? u mean the one at the start that shakes his fist? thats just a sprite i re-used. Cos of the way flash works my animations are all just sprites pieced togther into little movies. If i want to do any actual editing of the sprites (draw on them etc) then i'll have to use animation shop
heh, latest installment, not exactly great, but looks kinda cool. Maybe i'll try and recreate the opening scene from the first matrix film one day.....
I was gonna do this with another worm shooting a zook, but i cudn't be bothered, what happened to the ones u were gonna do pope?
they got stalled because of projects involving Thor. Namely the game he recently made and another project which will be useful to all artists, like myself.
the next game will be, afaik, a sequel to the chronciles of murray the butcher. a loading function hasnt been figured out so it looks as if there wont be a save/load option.
Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka wakaChristmasRiddleMERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!SpleetExcept for Spleet.TheAbdBoyAlways bummin' a brother out.SpleetHappy New Year everyone! But Spleet.TheAbdBoy
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