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I check my site on teh topworms once and awhile and i noticed that btp went from 119 to 88 ppl per day! But my site went up 1 lol. And dropped a rank. :? So now i've 11th place :P
20.10.03 20:40
Post #1
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what are u talking about?
20.10.03 20:42
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Not online within the last half an hour go's the worms site rank system.
20.10.03 20:44
Post #3
Last edited: 21.10.03 22:10 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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nonono, that would be building webpages, like or whatever
20.10.03 20:46
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poor C1... dropped on his head as a baby
oh well


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
21.10.03 00:23
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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where do i vote for btp?
21.10.03 00:40
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just refresh the pages and you autovote :)
21.10.03 04:12
Post #7
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does the winner get anything?
21.10.03 12:23
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lol... winner? It's never gonna end...

and yes, I wonder how it's going down, to me it's seemed more popular than it used to be - maybe not tho. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.10.03 15:13
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lol opps just noticed that i put topcities instead of topworms. Ya and the first worms site u go to per day gets a vote. And man zogger the sig with the blurry worm makes me free i lost my vision lol.
21.10.03 22:12
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I don't think it's the first one per day, it's one vote per site per day - so you can vote for lots of different sites, but each one only once per day.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.10.03 13:07
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o? Yay so i have been geting points from going to Contra Clan
22.10.03 20:09
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well now I know why it's not working. Somebody changed the way that the auto-vote script was being printed so that it didn't get printed at-all. grr.

You know I'm a dancing machine
23.10.03 14:58
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lol for just a few pages? or all. And if all wouldnt it go to 0?
23.10.03 23:27
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all pages - You change it in one file, you change it in all - It's in the function that prints out the end of every page...

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.10.03 17:33
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