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I think you should be able to upload .swf(flash) files from the uploader thing. They are smaller than gif's
18.10.03 17:18
Post #1
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oooooh that sounds reasonable, i have a vague idea what yer on about but it sounds good
20.10.03 13:28
Post #2
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as far as i can remember, zog said the file checker doesnt work, so u can upload anything u like aslong as its under 40k, i think
20.10.03 13:42
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well they should make the file limit 150kb
20.10.03 16:06
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lol. No.

edit: no to the 150kb thing. These are sigs. 150kb sigs should not be in your sig. The swf thing - not sure if it'll work but it might do as it is.

You know I'm a dancing machine
20.10.03 16:17
Post #5
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If you do allow Flash, you need some rules, like: no sounds or use of getURL() unless the viewer clicks a button, and possibly ban loadMovie().

[UA]tundraH has an evil thought... Java Sigs!
20.10.03 16:28
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I don't care if people upload stuff with sound in it, I just don't want them sing it one the forum.

You know I'm a dancing machine
20.10.03 16:29
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why no to 150kb?
20.10.03 18:57
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

no to the 150kb thing. These are sigs. 150kb sigs should not be in your sig. The swf thing - not sure if it'll work but it might do as it is.

man people are stupid sometimes.

20.10.03 18:58
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ya plus the page would be laggy as hell and ur sig would be ended up blocked anyways. Just like cbwhiz's
20.10.03 19:41
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okay then.. :|
20.10.03 20:09
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nice example 8) that mario thing is atricious.
23.10.03 08:55
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you want a peice of me Wishmaster? huh? HUH?

[S]CBWhiz$1sets his tax to 1k%

Mario is awesome :)
26.10.03 04:49
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Your attention please:

[]OutOfOrder$1thinks Mario is worth the lag

and it would be really annoying if different flash movies were loaded on the same page each one with sounds on it...
just to make the argument stronger :P

... that would be all, thanks.
29.10.03 02:15
Post #14
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

/me sets his tax to 1k%

go on then, i would not care. :)

im bored with money.

i got 2 houses. The haunted house and the futurama house that i cant sell cos i cant get rid of my tennents
29.10.03 14:05
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