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Where should I go if I want to learn PHP?
17.10.03 15:35
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Not online within the last half an hour search for "PHP Tutorials"
17.10.03 15:36
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Not online within the last half an hour could be a good place to start, although I can't really give much advice on learning php cause I already knew some perl first - so I never really had to "learn" php.

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17.10.03 15:37
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I'll try that site out. But, where we have the Softbrain site, seems not to support PHP.
17.10.03 15:57
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I don't get this. What do I need to use PHP?
17.10.03 16:17
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nice double postin.

you'd need a php enabled server. you wouldn't need a compiler or anything like that, if that's what you mean. just save a php file in notepad with the extension 'PHP'.
17.10.03 17:33
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A thing that you download, or a PHP enabled server to upload it to?
17.10.03 17:34
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you can download and install Apache and then install PHP for it (or most any other HTTP server), or just find a free server that lets you use PHP. The former takes a bit of reading and configing. heh

I dunno any free PHP servers off the top of my head, but they're out there somewhere.
17.10.03 17:37
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OK, I'll try. I hope it's easy to understand those server things...
17.10.03 17:40
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Sorry for double posting, but I don't understand how to use Apache. Anyone who can give some hints?
17.10.03 18:03
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you don't need to double post, just edit, if you double post the chances are no-one who knows stuff about this has read your last post..

Personally I use the apache thingy from - it's a lot easier than setting it all up, heh. And it's pretty customisable too.

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17.10.03 18:33
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i've never seen that it looks like it might have some interesting stuff.

yea, edit your posts, like ZoG said.

for help setting up Apache, read all the documentation at
17.10.03 19:40
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Not online within the last half an hour follow the links to phpDEV a tool used my a lot of PHP developers, it's a pre-set-up install of apache thats configured for use as a home testing server.

You can also upload your pages to a host that supports PHP.

I learnt PHP entierly on the net via the manual from and online tutorials on and Is an excellent starting point to teach you the basics and the syntax.

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17.10.03 20:01
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Thanks for all tips, but I still don't understand. I've downloaded EasyPHP, but I don't understand what it should do. And should I upload the php-files with a FTP program?
Edit: The EasyPHP readme is in French...
18.10.03 09:39
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hmm I thought there was some english help somewhere. Anyway, to run php files, you have to put them in easyPHP/www/yourfile.php - then run easyPHP and go to http://localhost/yourfile.php

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18.10.03 10:01
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