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guilt-free spam, now thats a dream which will never come true :(
21.10.03 11:29
Post #16
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ok so u agree with optissimuss but not me despite the fact tat he just said what my suggestion was?

exactly u pay some money you get to spam, u dont get tax or get into trouble because you paid to spam, then again you could just spam anyway like you do ;)
21.10.03 11:52
Post #17
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nonono, i still think ur idea is ridiculously stupid
21.10.03 12:12
Post #18
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ok ok i give up lol

also ive noticed your number of posts per day is creeping up again.

edit: let me be first to congratulate you on your new social user statud aswell 8)
21.10.03 13:30
Post #19
Last edited: 21.10.03 13:32 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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why thank you :D where does it tell me my posts per day?
21.10.03 13:51
Post #20
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it doesnt'. There's no signup date so no posts-per-day thing. However, I could possibly write something that finds the person's first post and calculates it from that... not v. reliable tho. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.10.03 15:37
Post #21
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ooo so meiapaul now sees my secret forum! 8O Darn pretty soon it wont be secret..
21.10.03 21:25
Post #22
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Butt Cheek
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what on earth is that supposed to mean? meiapaul said nothing about a secret forum...

21.10.03 21:33
Post #23
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What secret? I don't think it was ever really secret anyway.
21.10.03 21:36
Post #24
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no it's not really. but no one can see it so i reveal stuff that i wouldnt normally reveal in the normal forum. Eg. cheese
21.10.03 21:42
Post #25
Last edited: 22.10.03 19:48 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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CAN I SEE IT? purlease C1 purlease.....

im a social user but i dont ave 1000 posts yet...
22.10.03 12:34
Post #26
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honestly C1, you're not meant to mention it... sigh... And C1 doesn't have control, I do.. And the other admins.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.10.03 13:15
Post #27
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**slap** C1, u took an oath not to mention anything u idiot. just bcos u know about it doesnt mean u need to blurt it out. there will be a revolt now and then our forum will be over run with midgets and clowns.

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.10.03 15:42
Post #28
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Butt Cheek
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YA! now noobs like me know about it!

22.10.03 15:43
Post #29
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[]The Pope
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ur not a n%b. I regard u as witty and piss taking animator.

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.10.03 15:47
Post #30
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