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From this moment onwards, i will be incrementing the tax by 1% of anyone posting in response to spam with a reply similar to 'spam!' or 'dont spam' or 'double post!' etc.

This also applies to the actual spam in question.

Tax will be incremented by 1% each time, up until 150%, by which point i'll so something really nasty.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.10.03 21:09
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what's that? I was thinking banning? I told bloopy of this when worm42 came..he thought about it and said if he did one more thing he'd get banned. (he has 100% tax and 0 money now)
12.10.03 22:38
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sounds sweet, ReadMe (and/or all staff involved).

if the forum is full of spam, the only people who would bother to take a look at it are the people who frequent it. it would be kind of hard to find useful information in the midst of all the spam around here.
13.10.03 01:29
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

You are right
13.10.03 06:18
Post #4
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i feel 42 is had a bad case. I wish everyone would stop reering to him as the chief spammer.
13.10.03 09:17
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you're right, we all know C1's the chief spammer. Just look at his post count :P

jk c1, don't go crazy.

btw: I, however, are the chief spanner - just to let you know.

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.10.03 16:21
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[S]Zogger! works in mysterious ways

how are you the chief spammer? or did you type 'spanner' intentionally?

[]routine_error thinks [S]Zogger! is on something
13.10.03 16:32
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spanner as in fixer guy.

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.10.03 16:32
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No I typed spanner intentionally for me, and i um... did type spammer fro c1

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13.10.03 16:33
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oh. i never heard of a 'spanner' before. that english?
13.10.03 16:37
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A wrench having a hook, hole, or pin at the end for meshing with a related device on another object.
Chiefly British. A wrench.

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.10.03 16:43
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i won't go mad but i shall defend my case. I do post lots but i don't post useless things about 1000 times in a row. Unless of coarse i really want my point across. Some examples of true spam are...i won't say any names:
"do u like my avatar"
"hi how are u?"



and others as well.
I name worm42 because he was the latest one. I suppose ill name the biggest spammers of time. CousCous, SPAZ, DingBats, worm42, um missing anyone? And well dumazz did his famous line but i wouldnt consider him a spammer. (anyone that was there that day would know) (eh zogger)...

But i do post lots...and perhaps spam sometimes...and me and pope do belong to the [secret society of which the name should not be publiscised]
14.10.03 00:44
Post #12
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tell me! ! tell me ! ! dumazz said what? this sounds juicy!
and what the heck is the spammers board and finally:
WHY DOES EVERYONE *ahem* sorry, why does everyone make such a big deal about spam? then people make a big deal out of making a big deal about spamming and it's all just spam! and who knows what the heck i am doing!

14.10.03 03:45
Post #13
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I don't care a big deal about spam, but I think if there was no money for posting then things wouldn't be as bad.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
14.10.03 05:02
Post #14
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Your attention please:

i think the problem it's whether two (or more) spammers coincide in the same thread, and start unleashing their evil spamming fingers over they keybs...
then you have lots of meaningless posts
there could be a 'Spammer' id, just like Unknown, Anonymous, Banned, User and all those. it could be designated by the moderators, or admins and it could restrict the number of posts in the same thread
or maybe it could allow only one or a few spammers to post in a thread.. like a spammer limit xD
anyway take this as serious as you like... im just spamming around

... that would be all, thanks.
14.10.03 12:17
Post #15
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