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Satan's Minion
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I am going to try to organize the maps a little by lookin at them and such.. I will try my best to include the name of the person that made it, however im going to put the names in this format



Type: Obviously will be what kind of game it is that is played on that map.


Author: Will be the person who made it, I will put "Author Unavailable" in the case that I cant find any definate author name on the map.


#: This will be where I put the number of the map, its not going to be game oriented, each map will have a number for easier referance.


If anyone would be willing to maybe help me with this long process I would be more than happy to accept it you can send me a private message if you are interested.

17.04.06 02:28
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Orangie Orgy
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...good luck manageing all that
17.04.06 03:00
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Satan's Minion
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I already have all of the files from the download, it shouldnt be to hard I have a multi viewing program wher I can edit it directly while previewing it. It will probably take me like 2 months or so, but I will complete it.
17.04.06 03:52
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Quoted :: xDarKStaRx

It will probably take me like 2 months or so, but I will complete it.

thats a while my friend
17.04.06 03:54
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Satan's Minion
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yeah but you gotta think.. thats 8457 maps that I will have to go through, sort, and rename.. I'm not going to spend probably more than a couple of hours each day that I work on it because I have a kid, I have a job, and a Fiance that I would like to spend time with too so.. lol but rest assured, I will finish it, and it will be great :P

17.04.06 22:40
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man, ur determined, you have kids? how old are you?

i guess i could help you.
17.04.06 22:48
Post #6
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Satan's Minion
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I am 22 years old, I started playing worms when I was 13 or 14 lol.

18.04.06 00:14
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Ok, I am seperating all the maps by their titles... most of them have the type of map that they are in their names. I am using the windows search option in the map folder that I have. If I miss some then it wont be the WHOLE map pack that was in the BTP Ultimate Map Pack, but it will be enough for anyone to use them all once and probably never use the same one twice.. lol.. I also thought of a better lableing process. It will be as follows


#[Author] [Type]


#: This will be a new numbering i just thought of. I will be putting certain numbers in front of certain types of maps. Ex: 1 for shoppas 2 for shoppas 3 for forts... so on and so forth. I am no longer going to make a number for EACH map as this is just going to be useless information.


Author: This is going to remain the same as my previous labling system.


Type: This is going to remain the same as my previous labling system.


The reason for me changing the first number is to make it easier to locate a specific map type. Im sure you would aggree with me that that makes more sense than my previous idea, and will save everyone time when looking for a certain game type map. The second 2 lables may swap positions, I'm not sure yet if this is the exact order that I want them in, wither way it will not effect the locating process of a map in the game setup phase. I would like to see some feedback on my thoughts for this before I finish the project, and then recieve complaints as to sorting. So if you have ANY thoughts about how it should be stored, please, tell me here or in a private message. This project will be in a .zip file with a readme of how they are labled, who helped me with ideas, as well as a thank you for everyone that donated maps to this HUGE map pack that BTP has.

18.04.06 01:06
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If anyone could point me in the direction of a program that will let me preview files with the .bit extension I would appreciate it very much and be very very thankful.

18.04.06 01:43
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BitMonkey, you'll find it in the "Programs" section of BTP.


18.04.06 01:54
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Thanks RunT. I didn't even think of that little program.. Thats going to make it a little easier to find the names on the map rather than opening them all in friggin WA then writing them down manually... I would have been pissed if I had to do all that :P

18.04.06 19:59
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